Decreto 209/2023, de 28 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el Código de accesibilidad de Cataluña - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Decree 209/2023, of 28 November, approving the Accessibility Code of Catalonia


The third final provision of Law 13/2014, of October 30, on accessibility, establishes that the Government must approve a deployment decree that determines the requirements, parameters and criteria to meet the accessibility conditions provided by the Law, both in the public and private sectors and in both new and existing environments.

This Decree involves the deployment of these legal provisions, through the approval of an Accessibility Code in which the conditions, requirements and accessibility solutions necessary for public use spaces, buildings, means of transport, services, products and communication processes guarantee the autonomy, equal opportunities and non-discrimination of people with disabilities or with other difficulties interacting with the environment.

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

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