Plan de Transporte de Viajeros de Cataluña 2020 - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Catalonia 2020 Passenger Transport Plan

It is the sectoral territorial plan that defines the guidelines and lines of action for the coming years in relation to the offer of public transport services in Catalonia and the management of the system as a whole.

It has the character of a sectoral territorial plan, in accordance with Law 23/1983, of 21 November, on territorial policy, and of a specific mobility plan for the purposes of what is established in Law 9/2003, of 13 June, of mobility.

It covers the set of intercity collective transport services for travelers in the Catalonia area, that is to say:

- Commuter and regional or medium-distance rail services

- Regular intercity bus services and other modes, such as discretionary services with itinerary reiteration and individual charging, which are developed as an alternative and complement to regular services, especially in areas of low demand. Among the latter, on-demand services and open school services are included

- The scope of action is therefore limited to interurban communications and does not cover urban mobility, without prejudice to the analysis of the coordination between urban and interurban transport, with the aim of setting up a comprehensive transport network public of travelers in Catalonia based on the intermodality of means, beyond its territorial scope or management competences on the different transport services.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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