Decreto 344/2006, de 19 de septiembre, de regulación de los estudios de evaluación de la movilidad generada - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Decree 344/2006, of September 19, regulating studies to evaluate the mobility generated

Law 9/2003, of 13 June, on mobility, means a change of trend in the mobility model. During the last decades the mobility model has been based on motor vehicles as the main means. Law 9/2003, of 13 June, on mobility, promotes the values ​​of security, sustainability and social integration in the new model of mobility.

In addition, it provides the convenience of linking urban development and mobility forecasts from the initial phases of urban planning.

This Law provides a set of monitoring and analysis tools, such as the evaluation studies of the generated mobility, among others, which need additional concreteness in order to become fully operational.

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

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