Pla territorial general de Catalunya - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

General territorial plan of Catalonia

According to the approval Law 1/1995, "the general territorial Plan must be the instrument that defines the objectives of territorial balance of general interest for Catalonia and, at the same time, it must be the guiding framework for the actions undertaken by the powers to create the appropriate conditions to attract the appropriate activity to the ideal territorial spaces and to ensure that the citizens of Catalonia have similar levels of quality of life regardless of the territorial area where they live. The Plan must also be the instrument that defines the objectives to achieve the sustainable development of Catalonia, the territorial balance and the preservation of the environment ".

The General Territorial Plan of Catalonia articulates the proposals in three lines of action:

the definition of strategies
the definition of the territorial model
guidelines for formulating plans.

In the line of strategies, the section on quality of life is the most relevant as it details the actions to be taken on issues such as equipment or the environment in order to promote the quality of life in the territory. In the definition of the territorial model, the objective image of the population in 2026 and the proposal systems are presented as tools to achieve objectives of impulse, rebalancing or enhanced development, while in the section of guidelines for the formulation of plans the determinations are related that the Territorial Plan assigns to the other planning figures and that they will be the ones that should specify the PTGC's proposals since they do not have a direct physical application on the territory.

The PTGC must establish the necessary guidelines for the coherence of the partial territorial plans and the sectoral territorial plans that they must develop.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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