Ley 9/1995, de 27 de julio, de regulación del acceso motorizado al medio natural - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Law 9/1995, of July 27, regulating motorized access to the natural environment

Catalan tourism is at a crossroads where it is necessary to opt for a new model that is environmentally responsible, socially fair, territorially balanced and reconnected with the country's identity elements.

The National Commitment for Responsible Tourism is the tool that allows us to implement this new model. On this path, the Catalan tourism sector sets itself the following objectives: the fight against climate change, the preservation of biodiversity, universal access to destinations, the improvement of the quality of employment and the decarbonisation of employment economy

Responsible tourism is that which is part of the structure of the space and adapts to the conditions of the place and the needs of the resident population and which, essentially, takes into account both positive and negative impacts of the activity .

In this context, tourism companies and institutions express their commitment to place the natural and cultural heritage at the center of the tourism strategy. The model to which we aspire is a system that prioritizes culture, landscape, heritage and the elements that shape Catalonia's identity in the articulation of tourism products.

The National Commitment for Responsible Tourism is a process of collective participation and an effort to reconcile very diverse projects and views of the country.

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

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