Urban Master Plans - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Urban Master Plans


PDU of the Directional Center of Cerdanyola del Vallès
PDU of the economic activity of the Baix Llobregat Nord
PDU Vías Azules Barcelona
Infrastructure PDU of the Martorell-Abrera kneecap
PDU Gran Vía - Llobregat
PDU of the Barcelona Circuit - Catalonia
PDU of the Delta del Llobregat
PDU for the development of road, rail and logistics infrastructures in the Alt and Baix Penedès regions
PDU for the concretion and delimitation of the land reserve for the establishment of the railway orbital line
PDU of ACTUR Santa Maria de Gallegos

Central counties:

PDU of mining activity in Bages
PDUA of the Barcelona / Bages aerodrome
PDU of the Conca de Òdena
PDU of the Llobregat colonies
Bages Plan PDU


PDU for the review of unsustainable soils on the Girona coast
PDU of the urban system of Figueres
PDU of the Ter and Freser colonies
Girona urban system PDU
PDU of Pla de l'Estany
PDU of the Sierra de Rodes

Lleida and Alt Pirineu and Aran:

Rialb Reservoir PDU
PDU of unsustainable soils in the Alt Pirineu
PDUA of the Cerdanya aerodrome
PDUA of Andorra - Seo de Urgel airport
PDU of Valle de Aran
PDU of La Cerdanya
PDU of Pallars Sobirà

Tarragona and the Ebro Lands:

PDU for the reorganization of the area of ​​the Vila-seca and Salou CRT
PDU of the traditional agricultural constructions of the Tierras del Ebro
PDU of delimitation for the implementation of an intermodal freight terminal in Camp de Tarragona
PDU of the industrial and tourist activities of Camp de Tarragona
Ebro Delta PDU


PDUs of strategic residential areas
Coastal System PDU (PDUSC)
PDU of the areas of the coastal system integrated by sectors of delimited developable land without partial plan (PDUSC-2)
PDU for the concretion and delimitation of the land reserve for the establishment of the Transversal railway axis

Source: Government of Catalonia

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