Publications - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)


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  • Mobilitat sostenible i saludable
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  • Company actions in the field of labour mobility

    In the framework of the crisis caused by the COVID-19, important changes were registered in mobility, and especially labor mobility. The PTA of Barcelona promoted different actions for the management and improvement of this mobility, but the joint responsibility of companies is also necessary.

    The Metropolitan Transport Authority carried out this work where it collects what are the main needs of companies in labor mobility in the context of COVID-19 and reorient the future mobility strategy.

  • Update of the comparative report for public transportation fares in different metropolitan areas.

    In order to know the position of fares in the Barcelona Area with respect to other transport systems in Europe, this study aims to carry out a comparative analysis of the level of public transport fares in Barcelona with respect to other comparable European metropolitan regions.

    Last update: 2021

  • Analysis of mobility within the Barcelona Metropolitan Integrated Mobility System based on cell phone data during the COVID-19 health crisis.

    Report drafted by ATM Barcelona based on cell phone data a few weeks before the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic and throughout 2020. The objective is to study the changes in people's mobility patterns due to the impact of COVID-19 throughout the territory.

    Last update: 2022

  • Analysis of the situation of road freight transport in Catalonia

    Report where the results of the main indicators related to road freight transport in Catalonia are collected.

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    Last update: 2021

  • Analysis of the future behavior of public transport users in Barcelona after the COVID'19 crisis

    The general objective of the research is to understand the attitudes towards public transport in order to anticipate the future behavior of the demand (users) of Barcelona's public transport once normality has been restored in their usual journeys.

    Last update: 2021

  • Discount rates report in the area of ATM Barcelona

    During the last 2022 semester, the Spanish Government applied a discount rate policy to public transport prices, with the aim to:

    • Compensate citizens for the effect of inflation.
    • Stimulate the use of public transportation.
    • Reduce fossil fuel consumption for private vehicles.

    This report evaluates the impact of the initiative for the public transport and, indirectly, about the use of public vehicles in the area of the ATM Barcelona. It is based on:

    • Data from validations and acquisitions of public transport tickets.
    • Results from opinion studies.
    • Monitoring of some mobility indicators.

    Last update: 2023

  • Manresa-Barcelona concession. Technical advice to the MTA in the evaluation and monitoring of the Manresa-Olesa-Barcelona bus service.

    Report with the main results of the evaluation and monitoring study of the Manresa-Olesa-Barcelona bus service.

    Last update: 2021

  • Manresa-Barcelona concession. Technical advice to the ATM in the evaluation and monitoring of the Manresa-Olesa-Barcelona bus service

    Report with the main results of the evaluation and monitoring study of the Manresa-Olesa-Barcelona bus service

    Last update: 2021

  • Basic data TMB 2017-2024

    TMB annually publishes a compilation of the main data of its Barcelona public transport management activity. The document includes quantities such as the number of employees, demand and employment, the number of lines and stops, the mobile fleet, etc.

    Data available from 2017 to 2024.

    Summary of the main data of the network and the use of TMB.


    Last update: 2024

  • National Mobility Guidelines

    The National Mobility Guidelines provide the guiding framework for the implementation of the mobility objectives of the Mobility Act, through the establishment of guidelines, criteria, time targets, operational proposals and control indicators.

    The Guidelines establish the relationship between land mobility and other means, sea and air, and the services required for them to function. They also establish the relationship between land use and the provision of public and collective transport.

    Last update: 2022

  • The impact of covid-19 on daily mobility

    Main consequences and future perspectives in the use of transport modes. Analysis based on the Workday Mobility Survey (EMEF).

    Last update: 2022

  • The T 10 user profile

    This work aims to determine the user profile of the T-10 both at the level of the local citizen and the Barcelona tourist arriving from outside Catalonia.

    Last update: 2021

  • EMTA Barometer of public transport in the European metropolitan areas

    Annual reports published by the EMTA where data relating to the supply and demand for public transport in the participating metropolitan areas are collected and compared.

    Last update: 2024

  • Survey of daily mobility in Terres de l'Ebre

    The Taula de Mobilitat de les Terres de l'Ebre, formed by the Department of Territory and Sustainability and the local administrations, for the drafting of the Pla Director de Mobilitat de les Terres de l’Ebre has carried out a mobility survey to the citizens of Terres de l'Ebre to be able to make a precise diagnosis of mobility habits in this territory and to be able to define actions within the framework of the Pla Director de Mobilitat.

    The computer-assisted telephone survey was carried out from November 2019 to January 2020, to analyze the daily mobility of residents in Terres de l’Ebre for more than 4 years. A total of 9,541 interviews have been carried out in the 52 municipalities of the area, so that a representative sample of mobility is available in all citizens and also at the municipality level, which will allow detecting the existing deficiencies to specify the policies to promote sustainable mobility in Terres de l'Ebre.


    Last update: 2021

  • Comparative study on public transport fares in various European metropolitan areas (non subsidized, subsidized or social and environmental tickets).

    In 2014, ATM carried out an study with Institut Cerdà to compare the tariff system of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area with the equivalent European metropolitan regions. The aim, among others, was to find out its position in terms of tariff levels in absolute value and weighted by the standard of living.

    Last update: 2021

  • Evolució del nombre de viatgers que fan ús dels serveis de transport públic titularitat de l'AMB

    Estudi divulgatiu per conèixer l'evolució del nombre de viatgers que fan ús dels serveis de transport públic d'autobús i metro titularitat de l'AMB.

    Es presenten les dades d'evolució totals de l'AMB i també les dades d'evolució dels serveis de gestió directa (TMB: metro i bus) i dels serveis de gestió indirecta (Bus Metropolità)

    Last update: 2024

  • Financing the system for Barcelona ATM

    The ATM acts as the financial body behind the metropolitan public transport system, guaranteeing resources for financing the public transport of passengers in the area of the integrated fare system.

    One the one hand it obtains the subsidies that the administrative bodies (Government of Catalonia, Barcelona City Council, and Barcelona Metropolitan Area) formalised in a financing agreement for the period 2014-2017. The General State Government (AGE) also participates in the financing through a nominative annual contribution (since 2014 as part of the Law for the General State Budget).

    On the other hand the ATM obtains the income corresponding to the sale of integrate transport travel cards.

    Main financing data for Barcelona ATM.

    Last update: 2021

  • Guide for the integration of the gender perspective into Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP)

    The objective of this guide is to provide a working tool for integrating the gender perspective as a cross-cutting axis in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) and to be useful in the incorporation into other mobility planning figures (EAMG, PDE).

    This guide has been conceived as complementary material that will allow the integration of the gender perspective in the different phases of SUMP work. The technical specifications for the drafting of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans by the Barcelona Provincial Council (DIBA) have served as a reference, but the guide is intended to be used throughout Catalonia and adapted to the rest of the country or other territories.

    In addition to being a guide that should accompany the development of SUMP, it is important that its application is accompanied by an interdisciplinary process within each municipality, involving coordination with other plans and departments that have a direct relationship with mobility from a gender perspective, such as areas of Feminism, Gender Equity Policies, and Equality, linking it with Municipal Gender Equity Plans.

    Finally, this guide is part of previous work developed by ATM to integrate the gender perspective in mobility. It is based on the gender perspective analysis of EMEF, reflecting differentiated mobility between women and men; the PDM 2020-2025 and PDI 2021-2030, which for the first time incorporate the gender perspective as an objective, and the Plan of Measures against sexual harassment in public transport 2022, which urges addressing sexist and sexual violence in mobility.


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  • Guide "Soc regidor/a de mobilitat, i ara què?"

    Tool to learn about the operation of mobility, regulatory references, management of mobility and public roads, public transport or financing.


  • Guide for the development of sustainable urban logistics plans

    During the last decades, logistics, and especially the urban distribution of goods, has been one of the most dynamic and complex economic sectors. In addition, significant changes are taking place in terms of the volume and type of goods, flows and habits of consumption and mobility.
    These changes have been accelerated in recent years with the exponential growth experienced by e-commerce and home delivery, the so-called last mile distribution. But, among other negative externalities, this mobility associated with goods causes strong impacts in terms of congestion and atmospheric and noise pollution (currently, goods traffic can represent up to 25% of all urban trips and generate between 25% and 50% of pollutant emissions in our cities). To reduce these impacts, local planning must incorporate diagnosis methodologies and proposals that help improve the organization and management of urban logistics and make it more sustainable. In this context, this publication provides local bodies with a methodological guide for the development of sustainable urban logistics plans.
    This guide is complemented by several sections that frame the state of the issue of urban logistics; they determine the legal and regulatory framework; they make an exhibition of the different transport and mobility sectoral plans and programmes, and describe the specific cases of the sector.


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