Survey of Sexual Harassment on Public Transport - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

transport públic
mobilitat segura
Sistema Integrat de Mobilitat Metropolitana de Barcelona (SIMMB)
Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona (RMB)
STI Barcelona

Survey of Sexual Harassment on Public Transport

Last update: 2022

gènere transport públic mobilitat segura enquestes

The Survey of Sexual Harassment on Public Transport (EASTP) is an operation that stems from a collaboration agreement between the ATM, the ICD and the DTES for the prevention of sexual harassment on public transport and has been technically coordinated by the IERMB (Barcelona Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies).

The survey aims to provide information on situations of sexual harassment in public transport, and has been used for the diagnosis prior to the drafting of the Plan against sexual harassment in public transport.

The ASTP is based on a definition of sexual harassment that is in line with definitions of gender-based violence and includes a range of situations ranging from stares and comments to sexual assault.

The survey, which has been financed by the Ministry of Equality (Secretariat of State for Equality and against Gender Violence), has been carried out for the first time during the year 2020 and allows us to measure and characterize:

  • Opinion about the frequency, seriousness, and environment in which the harassment occurs.
  • Testimony and indirect experience of situations of harassment.
  • Direct victimization by different situations of harassment.
  • The assessment of fear and the prevention measures adopted.
  • Knowledge and assessment of security measures.
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