Observatory of discretionary passenger transport costs in Catalonia - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Dades socioeconòmiques
Mobilitat de persones
Direcció General de Transports i Mobilitat (DGTM)
transport discrecional

Observatory of discretionary passenger transport costs in Catalonia

Last update: 2022

costos transport discrecional

The Observatory offers the sector a global and as objective as possible vision of the evolution of discretionary transport costs, ensuring that it is useful both to companies and sectoral associations as well as to potential users and customers.

The progressive deregulation of the transport sector and the disappearance of mandatory rates led several associations of discretionary road passenger transport companies to request the Administration of the Generalitat to draw up an Observatory of costs that facilitate clear and precise information on the evolution of operating costs for discretionary transport operations.

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Indicators that you can find in the OMC and that also appear in the document

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Indicators that you can find in the OMC and that also appear in the document