Attention and information

Attention and information
Image: A customer service agent assisting a customer.

Attention and information

error_outline Notice - 2024 tariffs, expiry and exchanges

All tickets purchased between January 1, 2023 and January 14, 2024 will expire on April 30, 2024 and cannot be exchanged for titles of 2024, whether released or not.

Discounts of season tickets will be maintained with the same 50% reduction in all season tickets: T-usual, T-jove, FM/FN titles, T-usual discounted for unemployed people and the Berguedà and Ripollès packs.


Notice - 2024 tariffs, expiry and exchanges

All tickets purchased between January 1, 2023 and January 14, 2024 will expire on April 30, 2024 and cannot be exchanged for titles of 2024, whether released or not.

Discounts of season tickets will be maintained with the same 50% reduction in all season tickets: T-usual, T-jove, FM/FN titles, T-usual discounted for unemployed people and the Berguedà and Ripollès packs.