Financial coverage of on-demand transport services managed by AMTU - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Financial coverage of on-demand transport services managed by AMTU

Percentage of coverage of the financing system of the costs of the TAD systems, through contributions from public administrations and the recapture of transport tickets, with respect to the total cost.

Unit: Percentage

Frequency: Annual

Update: Annual

Estimated next update : 1T/2025

Last data updated : 2023

Geographical area: Municipality

Source: Association of Municipalities for Mobility and Urban Transport (AMTU)

Explanatory notes Service start date: 11/22/2016 Alella i Pineda de Mar | 3/9/2018 Sant Pere i Sant Antoni de Vilamajor | 8/1/2019 Santa Maria de Palautordera, Santa Susanna and Sant Pere de Ribes | 6/30/2020 Flex Terrassa L12 i Berguedà | 1/18/2021 Palafolls | 1/17/2022 El Masnou | 10/10/2022 Flex Terrassa L18 | 11/28/2022 Lliçà de Vall.

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