Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

Municipalities required to carry out a SUMP

According to the mobility law:
According to the Mobility Law 9/2003, all municipalities that comply with at least that:

Have more than 50,000 inhabitants.
Be capitals of the region.

According to the Mobility Master Plan of the Integrated Metropolitan Mobility System of Barcelona:
According to the PDM of the Integrated Metropolitan Mobility System of Barcelona, ​​all municipalities that:

They have more than 20,000 inhabitants and belong to the Integrated Metropolitan Mobility System of Barcelona.

According to the Air Quality Improvement Action Plan:
According to the Air Quality Improvement Action Plan, all municipalities that:

Those determined by the Mobility Law itself and the Mobility Master Plan correspond to its territorial scope.
The municipalities included in the Zone of special protection of the atmospheric environment are not obliged directly to carry out a SUMP, but to carry out a series of mobility actions that make it highly recommended to carry out a SUMP.

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