Indicators of mobility and its setting - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Mobilitat de persones
Indicadors conjuntura
Província de Barcelona
Província de Girona
Província de Tarragona
Província de Lleida
transport públic
vehicle privat

Indicators of mobility and its setting

Last update: 2021

demanda logística transport públic aeri marítim vehicle privat mercaderies costos

Mobility is strongly conditioned by the economic and social environment. In order to place the evolution in context, this section presents a series of general indicators that influence mobility on public transport; they include for example the GDP, CPI, indicators regarding demography and the job market, fuel prices, vehicle registrations, and other data relevant to the movement of passengers and goods.

Information on the annual evolution of the main economic indicators related to mobility in the area of the Barcelona ATM. Quarterly and annual editions of the report have been presented in the BMA since 2009 and since 2014 for Catalonia as a whole.

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Indicadors de mobilitat i conjuntura

Mobility and economic indicators 2022

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