Legal Notice - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Legal Notice

Domain ownership This Internet domain is owned by the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM).

Identity: Metropolitan Transport Authority
CIF: P-5890049-I
Postal address: Calle Balmes, 49 6th floor, 08007 Barcelona
Phone: +34 93 362 00 20


ATM strives to avoid errors in the content published on this website and reserves the right to modify its content. ATM is not responsible for the consequences that may arise from errors in the content provided by third parties that may appear on this website.

It is prohibited to communicate or transmit any content that infringes third-party property rights and content that is threatening, obscene, defamatory, pornographic, xenophobic, offensive to the dignity of the person or the rights of children, the current legality, or any behaviour that constitutes a criminal offence or incites such behaviour.

Furthermore, it is prohibited for users to include and communicate content that is false or inaccurate and that may deceive other users or ATM staff, particularly content protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights.

ATM may prohibit access to this website to any user who engages in any of the behaviours mentioned in the previous paragraphs, which are not limited in any way.

ATM may offer links, directly or indirectly, to resources or Internet sites outside this website. The presence of these links is for informational purposes and does not constitute an invitation to contract the products or services offered on the destination website. As the RESPONSIBLE cannot always control the content introduced by third parties on their respective websites, it assumes no responsibility for these contents. In any case, it will proceed to the immediate removal of any content that may contravene national or international legislation, morals, or public order, proceeding to the immediate removal of the redirection to this website, informing the competent authorities of the content in question.

In case of any discrepancy between the administrative information provided through this website and the documents that constitute its origin, what is indicated in the latter will prevail, whose printed edition is the only instrument that certifies its authenticity and content.

Modification of this website is not permitted.

Copyright and intellectual property rights 

All contents, service marks, and logos included on this website are the exclusive property of ATM. This includes the design, organization, and presentation of all content. Use without prior permission from ATM is prohibited. Reproduction, duplication, copying, sale, resale, or exploitation for commercial purposes is also prohibited. Infringement will result in civil or criminal actions as appropriate, in accordance with the laws and international treaties in force.

The entirety of the content of this website, whether text, images, sounds, files, trademarks, logos, or any other element and form of presentation, as well as the computer programs necessary for its operation, access, and use, are protected by current intellectual property legislation owned by ATM. Modification, copying, reproduction, downloading, transmission, distribution, or transformation of the content without the owner's authorization is prohibited.

ATM may collaborate with other organizations and entities to provide content for the observatory's website. In any case, prior to collaboration, ATM will agree on a non-exclusive right of use of the contents, trademarks, or logos that are not its own. Their publication by ATM does not legitimize their use by third parties.

Access to the website does not imply, in any case, the acquisition by users of any property rights over the contents that appear on it. Some website content can be downloaded as long as it is for private use and not for commercial purposes.

To make any observation regarding possible infringements of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents of the website, you can do so through the email

Open Data 

The Administration allows the reuse of content and data for everyone and without any temporal limitation or restriction beyond the basic conditions established in article 8 of Law 37/2007, of November 16, on the reuse of public sector information (source citation, no alteration or denaturation of the information, and specification of the date of the last update), and as long as it does not contradict the licence or notice that a work may have and that prevails.

Reuse modalities of the information published on the web 

Law 37/2007, of November 16, on the reuse of public sector information, which transposes Directive 2003/98/EC and Directive 2019/1024/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, and amended by Law 18/2015, of July 9 (which in turn transposes Directive 2013/37/EU), regulate the reuse of public information available to administrations and majority-participated bodies, i.e., the right of all potential market agents to reuse public information. According to this regulation, the Administration allows the reproduction, distribution, and public communication of the work and, additionally, the transformation of the work to create derivative works, for the whole world and without any temporal limitation, and as long as it does not contradict the license or notice that a work may have and that prevails.

To reuse the information, the following conditions must be met: 
  • The author or rights holder must always be cited: Consorci de l’Autoritat del Transport Metropolità de l'àrea de Barcelona. 
  • Do not distort the meaning of the information. 
  • Always cite the source of the information. 
  • Mention the date of the last update of the information.


The data provided through any of the forms on the website, or those necessary to make use of the website's applications, will not be used for any other purpose nor transferred to third parties, in accordance with the principles of confidentiality and protection of personal data of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights.

Users have recognised rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation, and portability of their personal data, which they can exercise by sending the forms included in the Privacy Policy.


This website uses cookies as informed in the 'Cookie Policy' section. In no case are cookies or other technical means used to identify specific users or to know data about their browsing without the user's awareness.

Browsing, security, and disclaimer 

ATM does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may cause damage to computer systems, electronic documents, or user files of this website or third-party websites, and therefore is not responsible for any damages that may occur for these reasons. ATM is not responsible for the misuse that may be made of this website.

This Legal Notice applies only to the information collected and services provided through the OMC website.

ATM does not guarantee or take responsibility for uninterrupted or error-free access to the website and is not responsible for any damages that may arise from accessing and using this website.

Applicable law and competent courts 

The terms and conditions governing this website, as well as any relationships that may arise from it, are protected and governed in all respects by applicable regional or state laws.