Number of subscribers to the public Bicibox parking network for bic...
Number of subscribers to the Bicing public bicycle service in the c...
Number of accidents per year by type of day in Catalonia
Altes al sistema T-mobilitat del sistema tarifari integrat de l'àre...
Contributions to the public transport system by type of contributio...
Ability to ride a bike depending on whether or not you know how to ...
Number of vehicle drivers by gender and province
Percentage of coverage of the financing system of the costs of the ...
Monthly evolution of the consumption of automotive fuels in the sta...
Monthly evolution of automotive gasoline consumption
Monthly evolution of automotive diesel consumption
Containers managed by the port system
Cost of the integrated public transport system (M€). Contributions ...
Annual cost for administrations associated with social pricing. Inc...
Fixed and variable costs of discretionary road passenger transport....
Total costs of passenger transport by type (external and internal: ...