Transparency - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)


The Administration must be accountable to the public for its activities and the management of public resources made available to it in accordance with Law 19/2014, of December 29, on transparency, access to public information, and good governance, Law 19/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to public information, and good governance, and Decree 8/2021, of February 9, on transparency and the right of access to public information. Therefore:

The Administration must be transparent. It must be proactive and disclose information related to its areas of action and obligations, in a permanent and updated manner, in the most understandable way for people and through dissemination instruments that allow broad and easy access to the data and facilitate participation in public affairs.

The Administration must adhere to the principle of good governance. It must comply with the rules and obligations regarding the quality of services and the operation of the Administration, and the ethical principles and best practices according to which high-ranking officials of the Administration must act, with the aim of ensuring that it operates with the utmost transparency, quality, and equity, and with an assurance of accountability.

The Administration must be accessible in accordance with Law 13/2014, of October 30, on accessibility and Decree 209/2023, of November 28, which approves the Accessibility Code of Catalonia. All information must be understandable, easily accessible, and free, and must be available to people with disabilities in a format provided by appropriate means or formats that are accessible and understandable.
The consortium administrations are the Generalitat de Catalunya (51%) and local administrations (49%), which are Barcelona City Council, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) and the Association of Municipalities for Mobility and Urban Transport. (AMTU). It is worth noting the presence of representatives of the General State Administration (AGE) in the governing bodies of the ATM, as observers.
The purpose of the ATM is to articulate the cooperation between the public administrations in charge of the services and infrastructures of the collective public transport of the Barcelona area that form part of it, as well as the collaboration with the administrations that, like now the State Administration, are committed to it from a financial point of view or are owners of their own services or not transferred.