Catalan bicycle strategy 2025 - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Catalan bicycle strategy 2025

Within the framework of the Bicycle Table, the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia approved, through Agreement GOV / 160/2019, of November 5, the Catalan Bicycle Strategy 2025 (ECB2025), promoted by the Department of Territory and Sustainability in collaboration with other departments. Other organizations and local entities involved, as well as entities from the world of bicycles, also participate in the Table.

The strategy aims to:

  1. Establish planning and development tools, promotion and training to promote the use of bicycles as an active and sustainable mode of transport, both for reasons of daily mobility and for leisure, sports and tourism.
  2. join forces in favor of a cycling and pedaling Catalonia. To help this necessary transformation of mobility, this document was created as the roadmap of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia, open to the adhesion of the rest of administrations, institutions, companies and organizations with an impact on policies in favor of cycling.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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