Catalonia Commuter Plan 2020-2030 - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Catalonia Commuter Plan 2020-2030

The Catalonia 2020-2030 Commuter Plan constitutes the Proposal for Actions in infrastructure
railway and rolling stock, to respond to the needs of a future demand Increasing to the Network
Cercanías of Catalonia until the horizon year 2030.
The Scope of the Plan includes the one corresponding to the Railway services owned by the Government of Catalonia and provided under the Commercial Denomination of Cercanías of Catalunya (Regional and Cercanías), operated by Renfe, on the Iberian gauge Railway Network of General Interest of the State (RFIG) in Catalonia, managed by Adif. The Plan responds to a mobility strategy that places the user at the center of decision-making and, in Consequently, it focuses on responding to your present and future needs.

Source: Spanish Government

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