Catalonia transport infrastructure plan 2006-2026 - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Catalonia transport infrastructure plan 2006-2026

The Department has drawn up the Transport Infrastructure Plan for Catalonia (PITC) with the aim of defining in an integrated manner the network of road, rail and logistics infrastructures necessary for Catalonia with the time horizon of 2026, and intends to extend it with the rest of the infrastructures, port and airport in the short term, in order to constitute a complete infrastructure plan for Catalonia.

This Plan continues the interrupted tradition of infrastructure planning in Catalonia. The first two infrastructure plans, that of the Commonwealth of Catalonia (1922) and the General Public Works Plan (1935), could not be implemented due to political circumstances beyond the plans. The 1985 Road Plan (revised in 1995) has thus been the first and the only land infrastructure plan that normally runs out of time.

The PITC has the character of a sectoral territorial plan, in accordance with Law 23/1983, of November 21, on territorial policy, and a specific plan for the purposes of what is established in Law 9/2003, of June 13, on the mobility.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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