Unemployed population by Province - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Unemployed population by Province

Unemployed are all those people aged 16 and over who, according to the criteria of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), during the reference week, are in the following three situations simultaneously: a) not in paid employment or self-employment, b) available for work, i.e. available for paid employment or self-employment within two weeks of the reference week c) actively looking for a job during the month preceding the Sunday of the reference week. This last requirement is not specified in the case of having found a job that will be incorporated within three months after the reference week.

Unit: Thousands of people

Frequency: Quarterly

Update: Annual

Estimated next update : 2S/2024

Last data updated : 1T/2024

Geographical area: Provincial

Source: National Institute of Statistics (INE)

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