Main tickets

error_outline Notice - 2024 tariffs, expiry and exchanges

All tickets purchased between January 1, 2023 and January 14, 2024 will expire on April 30, 2024 and cannot be exchanged for titles of 2024, whether released or not.

Discounts of season tickets will be maintained with the same 50% reduction in all season tickets: T-usual, T-jove, FM/FN titles, T-usual discounted for unemployed people and the Berguedà and Ripollès packs.


Main tickets

Adult holding a T-mobilitat transport title. All information about the titles available with T-mobilitat can be found in the drop-down blocks represented with a gradient of the same color as the T-mobilitat website.

T-mobilitat allows you to travel throughout the Barcelona ATM area with all public transport services.

•⁠  ⁠The price of the plastic T-mobilitat card is €4.50
•⁠  ⁠The price of the T-mobilitat mobile application to validate is €1 (Android with NFC)
•⁠  ⁠The price of the cardboard T-mobilitat card is €0.50

All the information on T-mobilitat supports and passes here

  • A single-person timed ticket for 10 journeys on any means of transport within the integrated system, for the number of zones purchased (maximum charge 6 zones).

    This ticket is not valid for the Aeroport T1 and Aeroport T2 metro station stops on line L9 Sud.

    Ticket available with T-mobilitat. Go to the page

    1 zone 2 zones 3 zones
    12,15 € 23,90 € 32,55 €
    4 zones 5 zones 6 zones
    41,85 € 48,10 € 51,15 €
  • A non-transferable single-person ticket with an unlimited number of journeys on any means of transport within the integrated system, for 30 consecutive days as of the first use, for the number of zones purchased (maximum charge 6 zones).

    Must be accompanied by a valid official identification card of the holder.

    Ticket available with T-mobilitat. Go to the page

    1 zone  2 zones 3 zones
    21,35 € 28,75 € 40,35 €
    4 zones 5 zones 6 zones
    49,40 € 56,65 € 60,70 €


  • A multi-person timed ticket with 70 journeys on any means of transport within the integrated system, for 30 consecutive days as of the first use, for the number of zones purchased (maximum charge 6 zones).

    Ticket available with T-mobilitat. Go to the page

    This ticket is not valid for the Aeroport T1 and Aeroport T2 metro station stops on line L9 Sud.

    1 zone 2 zones 3 zones
    84,80 € 167,40 € 227,90 €
    4 zones 5 zones 6 zones
    292,90 € 336,65 € 357,95 €
  • A multi-person timed ticket for 8 integrated journeys on 30 consecutive days as of its first use, on all means of transport for the number of zones purchased (maximum charge 6 zones).

    Not valid for the Aeroport T1 and Aeroport T2 metro station stops on line L9 Sud.

    Ticket available with T-mobilitat. Go to the page

    1 zone 2 zones 3 zones
    10,70 € 20,30 € 28,80 €
    4 zones 5 zones 6 zones
    37,35 € 42,70 € 44,85 €
  • A single-person ticket with an unlimited number of integrated journeys for 24 hours, as of the time of the first use. This ticket provides access to all the means of transport within the integrated system and is limited by the zones purchased and the place where the ticket is first used (maximum charge 6 zones).


    Enables at most one round trip with origin or destination at the Aeroport T1 and Aeroport T2 metro stations on line L9 Sud.

    1 zone 2 zones 3 zones
    11,20 € 17,10 € 21,50 €
    4 zones 5 zones 6 zones
    24,00 € 26,85 € 30,05 €


    The amount of each ticket includes VAT (10%) and the AOV (compulsory passenger insurance).

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