Soon, only with T-mobilitat

Soon, only with T-mobilitat

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The Barcelona ATM is launching a communication campaign to warn that the T-usual, T-casual, T-grup and T-familiar integrated titles in magnetic strip cardboard will soon cease to be sold, which will become available only in contactless T-mobilitat format (plastic, mobile, and cardboard).

Visual campaign 'Aviat, només amb la T-mobilitat' | ATM
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The campaign with the claim 'Aviat només amb T-mobilitat' (Soon, only with T-mobility), and which will be deployed by the ATM in Barcelona from this Friday, September 15, aims to warn in advance of the imminent changes in the way users travel , because it implies a change of habits in the way of buying and validating.

The campaign will be active from September 15 in the media, social networks and digital channels.