Infrastructure Master Plan for the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Infrastructure Master Plan for the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona

The Infrastructure Master Plan (PDI) includes all the actions in public transport infrastructures for a decade planned for the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, regardless of the Administration and the operator that operates them.

The characteristics of the PDI are:

Comprehensive: includes all actions in infrastructure in public road transport in the area of ​​influence of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, ​​regardless of the Administration responsible and the operator that operates them.
Reviewable: an annual report is carried out on the degree of compliance with the PDI, in addition to a five-year review (the PDI is a plan that lasts ten years).
Participatory: administrations, operators and users receive information and participate, through their representatives.
Main actions:

Network Expansion Program.
Exchangers Program.
Modernization and Improvement Program.
Actions in the state railway network.
Road public transport infrastructure
PDI 2021-2030 Documents 

Source: ATM Barcelona

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