Plan of airports, aerodromes and heliports of Catalonia 2009-2015 - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Plan of airports, aerodromes and heliports of Catalonia 2009-2015

Define the pending actions and the appropriate tools that the Administration will provide to fully develop the necessary airport network with the incorporation of the new network of commercial airports in Catalonia.

Priorities of the Plan for airports, aerodromes and heliports in Catalonia

- Promote the network of commercial airports and aerodromes in Catalonia to improve the capacity of the Catalan economy in an increasingly global environment.
- Support the consolidation of Barcelona as an international airport with long-distance and quality connections.
- Promote the airport city as the engine of economic activity and connect the project with the logistics area of ​​the Free Zone and the port of Barcelona.
- Expand the infrastructures of the Girona airport.
- Support the new Reus Master Plan and the investment program to increase the number of passengers and their diversification.
- Extend and consolidate a network of aerodromes.
- Strengthen the network of heliports in the task of services of social interest and community interest and promote them as instruments that facilitate the establishment of companies that use the helicopter for their movements.
Collaborate in the revitalization of the aeronautical industry in Catalonia, promote training, research and innovation in this sector.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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