REBALANCE: New Cultures and Mobility Policies - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

REBALANCE: New Cultures and Mobility Policies

The general objective of REBALANCE is to carry out an open deliberative exercise with a view to the future towards a transformative transport policy strategy in favor of a paradigm shift in mobility, which takes into account emerging social values ​​(with a growing concern in relation to climate change) and better alignment with the SDGs. The deliberative process has begun and has been supported by thinkers who are not necessarily directly involved in transport research debates. They have helped to formulate research questions and working hypotheses, which are being addressed by a wider representation of stakeholders in the mobility and transport sector. Several workshops will be held to establish the vision for the longer-term transport system and, ultimately, a Manifesto for a new European mobility culture and policy will be developed.

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