Guide for the development of sustainable urban logistics plans - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Mobilitat de mercaderies

Guide for the development of sustainable urban logistics plans

During the last decades, logistics, and especially the urban distribution of goods, has been one of the most dynamic and complex economic sectors. In addition, significant changes are taking place in terms of the volume and type of goods, flows and habits of consumption and mobility.
These changes have been accelerated in recent years with the exponential growth experienced by e-commerce and home delivery, the so-called last mile distribution. But, among other negative externalities, this mobility associated with goods causes strong impacts in terms of congestion and atmospheric and noise pollution (currently, goods traffic can represent up to 25% of all urban trips and generate between 25% and 50% of pollutant emissions in our cities). To reduce these impacts, local planning must incorporate diagnosis methodologies and proposals that help improve the organization and management of urban logistics and make it more sustainable. In this context, this publication provides local bodies with a methodological guide for the development of sustainable urban logistics plans.
This guide is complemented by several sections that frame the state of the issue of urban logistics; they determine the legal and regulatory framework; they make an exhibition of the different transport and mobility sectoral plans and programmes, and describe the specific cases of the sector.


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