Annual report of the Metropolitan Mobility Observatory - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Mobilitat de persones
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Nous models de mobilitat
Observatori de la Mobilitat Metropolitana (OMM)
STI Girona
STI Camp de Tarragona
STI Barcelona
STI Lleida

Annual report of the Metropolitan Mobility Observatory

Last update: 2024

The Metropolitan Mobility Observatory (OMM) is an analysis and reflection initiative of the Public Transport Authorities (ATP) of the 27 main Spanish metropolitan areas, promoted by the Ministries of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda and Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.

The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), Renfe and other institutions are also collaborating, such as the Urban and Metropolitan Public Transport Association (ATUC Sustainable Mobility), the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), the Institute for to the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), INECO, the trade union Commisiones Obreras (CCOO) and TRANSyT (Transport Research Center of the Polytechnic University of Madrid) which has coordinated the activities of the OMM.

The WMO publishes an annual report with data relating to the mobility of the participating metropolitan areas, an uninterrupted series of 20 years with information on demand, modal distribution, public transport supply, costs and financing, good mobility practices, urban accidents and , recently, on shared mobility.

From 2022, and thanks to the Agreement with MITMA, the series of OMM Monographs on actions in sustainable mobility that complement the Annual Report have been started.

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