La nova parada de Glòries entrarà en servei a les línies T4, T5 i T6 de tramvia el proper 9 de maig

The new Glòries station will enter service on tram lines T4, T5, and T6 on May 9th

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On the same day, the La Farinera and Glòries de la Meridiana stations will cease operations to begin their definitive dismantling

Last works on the new Glòries station
Last works on the new Glòries station ATM
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  • The new stop will maintain interchangeability with metro line L1 and is expected to become a major public transport hub when urban bus lines begin operating.
  • This is one of the final significant actions of Phase 1 of the tram connection works along Diagonal Avenue, which aims to complete infrastructure works this spring and commence system testing and circulation on the new section by summer.

Barcelona, May 3, 2024. Starting May 9th, the new Glòries stop will be operational on tram lines T4, T5, and T6 at its final location, in front of the DHub. Design Hub Barcelona. On the same day, the La Farinera and Glòries de la Meridiana stations will cease operations to begin their definitive dismantling.
From this day forward, trams will stop at the new station in both directions, and the Llobregat side pedestrian passage will be opened. The marked passage will allow users to access the TRAM platforms and facilitate interchange with the L1 metro exit inside the square.

However, most of the Glòries area will continue to undergo urbanization and tram infrastructure works, which will restrict access through fences and signage.
This action represents one of the key milestones of Phase 1 of the tram connection works along Diagonal Avenue in Barcelona, aiming to complete infrastructure works this spring and commence circulation tests by summer.

User Information

During days prior to date the opening date, TRAM will provide information personnel in the affected area (La Farinera, Glòries de la Meridiana, and the new Glòries stop) to inform users of these changes. Trams will also have leaflets with all the information. Furthermore, stops will be properly signposted with posters, directions, and announcements via the public address system. The ATM, the Barcelona City Council, and TRAM will also provide information through their websites and social media channels.

An example informational poster will be displayed at the new Glòries stop area.


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