El Metro de Barcelona tornarà a donar servei ininterromput les nits de dissabte a partir d’aquest pròxim cap de setmana

The Barcelona Metro will resume its uninterrupted service on Saturday nights starting this weekend

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Following the Government’s approval of the reopening of night-time leisure activities, this week the Barcelona area Metro service will resume an uninterrupted service on Saturday nights.

Users walking inside metro station ATM
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  • This week, the public transport service in the Barcelona area is resuming its normal timetables for Saturday nights, coinciding with the re-opening of night-time leisure activities.
  • During the sixth wave of COVID-19, the Metro services had adapted their timetables to the restrictions in order to contain the disease, setting the opening time limit at 2 am on Saturday nights and the days before public holidays.

Barcelona, 8 February 2022.- Following the Government’s approval of the reopening of night-time leisure activities, this week the Barcelona area Metro service will resume an uninterrupted service on Saturday nights. This was decided by the ATM, at the request of the consortium’s administrative bodies and the main public transport operators.

Up until now, and during the sixth wave of COVID-19, the Metro services had adapted their timetables to the restrictions in order to contain the disease, setting the opening time limit at 2 am on Saturday nights and the days before public holidays.

The Metro lines, FGC rail services and TRAM lines will operate until 2 am.

Saturdays and days before public holidays

The Metro will provide an uninterrupted service running throughout the night.
The FGC rail services and TRAM lines will operate until 2 am.

Night bus

Meanwhile, the AMB NitBus service and the night buses run by the Catalan Government will continue their usual uninterrupted timetable, which was not modified during the adaptation of the rail service timetables.

Mandatory use of well-fitted masks and silence

Users are reminded that it is mandatory to wear a well-fitted face mask on public transport, and that it is recommended to remain silent during the journey. Both of these measures are aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19.

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