Accessibility Plans for Operators Managing Means of Transport - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Accessibility Plans for Operators Managing Means of Transport


Decree 209/2023, which approves the Accessibility Code of Catalonia, defines in Article 93 that operators managing means of transport must carry out an Accessibility Plan. These Plans aim to determine the necessary actions to adapt existing buildings, vehicles, and services to the accessibility conditions of the new Code. All operators managing means of transport of a supramunicipal scope or of private ownership must make these plans. In the case of transport operators that affect the scope of a single municipality, they must do so when it is not included in the Municipal Accessibility Plan. The accessibility plans of the operators must be drafted, reviewed, or modified within 3 years from the entry into force of the Code and must comply with the guidelines established by the competent department of the Generalitat in matters of transport.

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

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