Catalonia school mobility action plan 2020-2021 - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Catalonia school mobility action plan 2020-2021

The School Mobility Action Plan of Catalonia aims to improve the training of schoolchildren and the conditions of the journeys from home to the school, and to promote safe, inclusive, sustainable, active and autonomous journeys. The PAMEC is part of the School Chance European project for the exchange of best practices for autonomous mobility of schoolchildren in order to improve regional policies and develop action plans linked to the Europe 2020 strategy. This plan, called PAMEC, envisages the implementation of six strategic actions that aim to promote the improvement of school mobility in the territory from a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach. The actions will be promoted in a coordinated way between the Department of Territory and Sustainability, the Department of Education and the Catalan Traffic Service, together with other actors and local bodies that have participated in the monitoring of the European School Chance project.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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