Monthly evolution of the price of automotive fuels in Catalonia - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Monthly evolution of the price of automotive fuels in Catalonia

Date for last update:04 Oct 2024

Monthly evolution of the price of automotive fuels in Catalonia disaggregated by type (Gasolina 95 E5, Gasolina 95 E10, Gasolina 95 E5 Premium, Gasolina 98 E5, Gasoil 98 E10, Gasoil A regular, Gasoil Premium, Gasoil B, Gasoil C, Bioethanol, Biodiesel, Liquefied petroleum gases, Compressed natural gas, Liquefied natural gas).


Frequency: Monthly

Update: Annual

Estimated next update : 2025

Last data updated : 2024

Geographical area: Catalonia

Source: Government of Spain Ministry for Ecological Transition.

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