Encara no la tens?

Don't have it yet?

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As of August 28, the ATM is launching a communication campaign under the name 'Don't you have it yet?' through digital platforms to remind users of the youth pass who still travel with the magnetic system to register for T-mobility, the only support with which the T-jove title is available from past March 15

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The T-jove title was no longer sold last March in magnetic format and, since then, it can only be purchased through the T-mobility system, either on the personalized card or on the mobile phone (Android) . However, there are still users of this subscription who have not registered in the new system. In this way, in order to promote the full transfer of this title to T-mobility, the ATM is deploying this information campaign through digital channels aimed at the young group of beneficiaries of this pass so that they make the change final system.

As the month of September is a month of upswing in the demand for this degree due to the return to activity, one of the objectives of the campaign is to contribute to raising awareness among young people who are rejoining the educational or university course that proceed to register with T-mobility through the digital channels and request its support in sufficient advance.