Daily mobility surveys (EMQ) - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

Mobilitat de persones
transport públic
mobilitat laboral
mobilitat activa
vehicle privat

Daily mobility surveys (EMQ)

Last update: 2006

transport públic Catalunya mobilitat laboral enquestes mobilitat activa vehicle privat

The 2006 Daily Mobility Questionnaire of the Department of Territory and Sustainability and the Metropolitan Transport Authority, with 106,091 surveys completed, analyses mobility habits in Catalonia.

Request EMQ Database: through this link you can request the EMQ Databases. The EMEF will be transferred respecting data protection legislation and statistical secrecy.

More information: for more information on the characteristics and methodology of the survey visit the IERMB website.

 Article 27 of LAW 5/2016, of December 23 of the Statistical Plan of Catalonia 2017-2020 and amending Law 23/1998 modifies Article 30 of Law 23/1998. It is now reworded as follows:

Article 30

1. The Institute of Statistics of Catalonia and the institutions and bodies of the Catalan Statistical System must promote and facilitate the use of the statistical information available to improve the assessment of public policies of the administrations of Catalonia, and also to monitor and programme future policies to be undertaken.

2. Scientific research institutes, researchers, research centres and public law entities dedicated to the design, planning, programming, monitoring and evaluation of public policies may be allowed access to confidential data for scientific purposes covered by statistical secrecy, under certain conditions established by regulation, provided that they do not allow for direct identification of individuals, respecting data protection legislation and statistical confidentiality.

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