Publications - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)


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  • COVID-19
  • Dades socioeconòmiques
  • Economia del transport
  • Infraestructures
  • Mobilitat de mercaderies
  • Mobilitat de persones
  • Mobilitat inclusiva i equitativa
  • Mobilitat sostenible i saludable
  • New mobility models
  • Mobility system innovation
  • Tendències de futur
  • Autonomous vehicle
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  • Indicators of mobility and its setting

    Mobility is strongly conditioned by the economic and social environment. In order to place the evolution in context, this section presents a series of general indicators that influence mobility on public transport; they include for example the GDP, CPI, indicators regarding demography and the job market, fuel prices, vehicle registrations, and other data relevant to the movement of passengers and goods.

    Information on the annual evolution of the main economic indicators related to mobility in the area of the Barcelona ATM. Quarterly and annual editions of the report have been presented in the BMA since 2009 and since 2014 for Catalonia as a whole.

    Last update: 2021

  • Annual report of the Metropolitan Mobility Observatory

    The Metropolitan Mobility Observatory (OMM) is an analysis and reflection initiative of the Public Transport Authorities (ATP) of the 27 main Spanish metropolitan areas, promoted by the Ministries of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda and Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.

    The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), Renfe and other institutions are also collaborating, such as the Urban and Metropolitan Public Transport Association (ATUC Sustainable Mobility), the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), the Institute for to the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), INECO, the trade union Commisiones Obreras (CCOO) and TRANSyT (Transport Research Center of the Polytechnic University of Madrid) which has coordinated the activities of the OMM.

    The WMO publishes an annual report with data relating to the mobility of the participating metropolitan areas, an uninterrupted series of 20 years with information on demand, modal distribution, public transport supply, costs and financing, good mobility practices, urban accidents and , recently, on shared mobility.

    From 2022, and thanks to the Agreement with MITMA, the series of OMM Monographs on actions in sustainable mobility that complement the Annual Report have been started.

    Last update: 2024

  • COVID REPORT On public transport in the Barcelona area

    The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a great global challenge. In terms of mobility it has posed a health, social, economic and coordination challenge. Public transport, as a key service for guaranteeing mobility, continued to operate even in the most difficult times of the crisis. This report describes the response actions coordinated by the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM) with the administrations responsible for transport and the transport operators to address the pandemic. The ATM’s main priority has been to ensure the health of transport workers and users and society in general.

    Last update: 2022

  • Diagnostic and monitoring reports on rail mobility data during the health emergency caused by COVID-19.

    Fourth diagnostic and monitoring report on rail mobility data during the health emergency caused by COVID-19. Corresponding to the period December 2020-March 2021.

    see report

    Third report on the diagnosis and monitoring of rail mobility during the health emergency caused by COVID19.  Corresponding to the period July-November 2020.

    see report

    Second report on the diagnosis and monitoring of rail mobility during the health emergency caused by COVID19.  Corresponding to the period April 6 - May 2, 2020 and May 3 - June 19, 2020.

    see report

  • Daily mobility by bicycle in the metropolis of Barcelona: a look from the perspective of women

    Women's mobility in the metropolitan area is more sustainable than that of men, as they travel more by walking and by public transport. However, the use of the bicycle, the other means considered sustainable - and which is the focus of the present study - is less common among women.

    The purpose of this document is to deepen the knowledge of the mobility experience of women bicycle users - and non-users - based on data from the EMEF and a survey designed and carried out expressly for this purpose on cycling mobility aimed at women in the metropolis of Barcelona.


  • Public transport figures in Catalonia

    The Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat de Catalunya compiles annually the main annual statistics of supply and demand of all public transport operators in Catalonia. The data are differentiated between bus and rail modes, and by integrated fare areas of the Catalan territory.


    Last update: 2022

  • Improvement of the Vilafranca-Barcelona transport service

    On February 18, 2014, communications between Vilafranca a
    Barcelona became part of the network with the
    commercial coding (e6) Vilafranca to Barcelona. It is also
    they incorporated 4 new round trip expeditions, except a
    in August

    Communications between Vilafranca and Barcelona are provided
    by combining the following lines operated by
    the company La Hispano Igualadina, SL. Since the section
    of these lines between Vilafranca and Barcelona do the same
    route and stops, all these expeditions are provided with
    the trade name (e6) Vilafranca in Barcelona:

    1. La Selva del Camp - Valls - Vilafranca - Barcelona
    2. Reus - Vilafranca - Barcelona
    3. Coma-ruga - El Vendrell - Vilafranca - Barcelona
    4. Sant Quintí-Vilafranca-Barcelona
    5. Matched in Barcelona by Vilafranca
    6. Pontoons - Vilafranca - Barcelona
    7. e6 Vilafranca - Barcelona

    Last update: 2023

  • Monographs of the Metropolitan Mobility Observatory

    The Metropolitan Mobility Observatory (OMM) is an analysis and reflection initiative of the Public Transport Authorities (ATP) of the 27 main Spanish metropolitan areas, promoted by the Ministries of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda and Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge.

    The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), Renfe and other institutions are also collaborating, such as the Urban and Metropolitan Public Transport Association (ATUC Sustainable Mobility), the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), the Institute for to the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), INECO, the trade union Commisiones Obreras (CCOO) and TRANSyT (Transport Research Center of the Polytechnic University of Madrid) which has coordinated the activities of the OMM.

    The WMO publishes an annual report with data relating to the mobility of the participating metropolitan areas, an uninterrupted series of 20 years with information on demand, modal distribution, public transport supply, costs and financing, good mobility practices, urban accidents and , recently, on shared mobility.

    From 2022, and thanks to the Agreement with MITMA, the series of OMM Monographs on actions in sustainable mobility that complement the Annual Report have been started.

    Last update: 2024

  • Road freight transport cost observatory

    The Freight Transport Costs Observatory continues to be an analytical tool for transport companies and a reference for negotiation between shippers and carriers that, in the face of market conditions, facilitates their understanding in price formation.

    Visit Web >

  • Observatory of discretionary passenger transport costs in Catalonia

    The Observatory offers the sector a global and as objective as possible vision of the evolution of discretionary transport costs, ensuring that it is useful both to companies and sectoral associations as well as to potential users and customers.

    The progressive deregulation of the transport sector and the disappearance of mandatory rates led several associations of discretionary road passenger transport companies to request the Administration of the Generalitat to draw up an Observatory of costs that facilitate clear and precise information on the evolution of operating costs for discretionary transport operations.

    Last update: 2022

  • Observatory of the costs of the transport of goods by rail

    Knowing the cost structure of rail freight transport is one of the key elements to favor multimodal transport.

    That is why CIMALSA has wanted to promote the 1st edition of the Observatory, taking advantage of the transnational TRAILS project, with the participation of Catalan and Occitan partners. It is not, nor does it pretend to be, a price benchmark; It is a theoretical work based on certain hypotheses that are presented in the same document.

    It is therefore a living document, which will be updated based on substantial changes in the working hypotheses or if new elements appear to be considered.

    Visita Web >

  • Railway Observatory in Spain

    Report prepared by the Spanish Railways Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda and which has as a fundamental mission to collect and elaborate precise information on a set of indicators, elaborated to the effect, that characterize the situation and evolution of the railway sector. integrates the areas related to infrastructure, passenger and freight transport, the socio-economic aspects and environmental aspects.

    Visita Web >

  • Logistics Observatory

    The Logistics Observatory is part of an initiative launched in 2004 by CIMALSA and the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and which is reflected in a battery of competitiveness indicators that aim to know the logistics demands of companies and provide information with real and objective parameters on the current and future situation of the sector. It aims, therefore, to become an efficient tool for the planning and management of the logistics system of Catalonia.

  • Recommendations for promoting bicycle logistics in cities

    Document that presents a summary of the main elements to take into account when developing cycle logistics projects through microhubs in cities, with examples of good practices and recommendations.

    Last update: 2022

  • International compilation of measures in public transport to curb the spread of COVID-19

    A compilation of some of the measures that have been taken in public transport around the world since the start of the pandemic to curb the spread of COVID-19.

    Last update: 2022

  • Relationship between the evolution of territorial mobility and vulnerability in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

    The Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM) commissioned the Study Group on Energy, Territory and Society (Catalan acronym, GURB) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Catalan acronym, UAB) to carry out a study analysing the relationship between people’s mobility and social vulnerability in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The main objective of the study was to assess whether living and income. The study analysed the patterns in the reduction of mobility in public rail transport in the Barcelona area during the period of health emergency caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, comparing it with previous average mobility levels.

    Last update: 2022

  • Relationship between mobility and income of the population in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and the city of Barcelona in the context of the Covid epidemic19

    Relationship between mobility and income in the context of COVID-19.

    see report


    Relationship between mobility and income of the population in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and the city of Barcelona in the context of the Covid epidemic19

    see report


  • Roadmap for the introduction of last-mile robots in Catalonia

    This document presents and analyzes the current situation of autonomous vehicles for the urban distribution of goods. Taking into account current technological capabilities, trends in the business world, infrastructural needs and socio-economic effects, this document proposes different lines of action for the incorporation of mobile robots (dron, droid,...) in cities.

    Last update: 2023

  • Monitoring of public transport demand in the STI of Barcelona

    Monthly monitoring of public transport demand in the Integrated Fare System in the Barcelona MTA area, detailed by mode and type of service. Evolution of monthly demand compared to the same month of the previous year and cumulative.

    Summary of the data and reports corresponding to the monitoring of demand in the area of ​​the Barcelona ATM

    Last update: 2024

  • Tarifes del sistema de transport públic col·lectiu en l'àmbit dels sistemes tarifaris integrats de Catalunya

    Anuncis de les tarifes que han de regir en el sistema de transport públic col·lectiu en l'àmbit dels diferents sistemes tarifaris integrats de Catalunya publicades al Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya.



    Last update: 2024
