Planning - Mobility Observatory in Catalonia (OMC)

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Decree 209/2023, of 28 November, approving the Accessibility Code of Catalonia

The third final provision of Law 13/2014, of October 30, on accessibility, establishes that the Government must approve a deployment decree that determines the requirements, parameters and criteria to meet the accessibility conditions provided by the Law, both in the public and private sectors and in both new and existing environments.

This Decree involves the deployment of these legal provisions, through the approval of an Accessibility Code in which the conditions, requirements and accessibility solutions necessary for public use spaces, buildings, means of transport, services, products and communication processes guarantee the autonomy, equal opportunities and non-discrimination of people with disabilities or with other difficulties interacting with the environment.

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

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Decree 344/2006, of September 19, regulating studies to evaluate the mobility generated

Law 9/2003, of 13 June, on mobility, means a change of trend in the mobility model. During the last decades the mobility model has been based on motor vehicles as the main means. Law 9/2003, of 13 June, on mobility, promotes the values ​​of security, sustainability and social integration in the new model of mobility.

In addition, it provides the convenience of linking urban development and mobility forecasts from the initial phases of urban planning.

This Law provides a set of monitoring and analysis tools, such as the evaluation studies of the generated mobility, among others, which need additional concreteness in order to become fully operational.

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

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National Mobility Guidelines

On October 3, 2006, through Decree 362/2006, the National Mobility Guidelines (DNM), applicable throughout the territory of Catalonia, were approved. They have the nature of a territorial plan and must serve for the preparation of the different mobility instruments established by Law 9/2003: mobility master plans, specific plans and urban mobility plans.

The DNM are based on the conclusions established from the diagnosis made on the state of the different types of mobility in the Catalan territory and the future scenarios foreseen in terms of demography, the economy and mobility.

The DNM are based on the integration of six guiding principles:

  • Configure a more efficient transportation system to improve the competitiveness of the national production system.
  • Increase social integration by providing more universal accessibility.
  • Increase the quality of life of citizens.
  • Improve the quality of health of citizens.
  • Provide greater security in terms of travel.
  • Establish more sustainable mobility patterns.

Currently, a prior public consultation has started on the Draft Decree approving the National Mobility Guidelines, which aims to collect the proposals that entities linked to the mobility sector in Catalonia can make in order to consistently review the National Mobility Guidelines. mobility.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Catalan bicycle strategy 2025

Within the framework of the Bicycle Table, the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia approved, through Agreement GOV / 160/2019, of November 5, the Catalan Bicycle Strategy 2025 (ECB2025), promoted by the Department of Territory and Sustainability in collaboration with other departments. Other organizations and local entities involved, as well as entities from the world of bicycles, also participate in the Table.

The strategy aims to:

  1. Establish planning and development tools, promotion and training to promote the use of bicycles as an active and sustainable mode of transport, both for reasons of daily mobility and for leisure, sports and tourism.
  2. join forces in favor of a cycling and pedaling Catalonia. To help this necessary transformation of mobility, this document was created as the roadmap of the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia, open to the adhesion of the rest of administrations, institutions, companies and organizations with an impact on policies in favor of cycling.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Estratègia Logística per a la Internacionalització de l’Economia Catalana (ELIEC)

The fundamental objective of the strategy is to promote the development and competitiveness of the transport and logistics sector in Catalonia on the basis of a model that allows promoting and supporting its consolidation, modernization and internationalisation. The departments of Territory and Sustainability and the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya, through the public company CIMALSA, started in September 2019 the preparation of the "Logistics strategy for the internationalization of Catalan economy" for the period 2020 - 2040.


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Estratègia municipal de la distribució urbana de mercaderies (EDUM) : horitzó 2030

EDUM és una estratègia de la ciutat de Barcelona que té com a objectiu donar resposta als reptes actuals referents a la distribució urbana de mercaderies i proporcionar un full de ruta per als pròxims anys. L’Estratègia ha de permetre avançar cap a un model de ciutat en el qual la DUM es pugui desenvolupar de la forma més eficient, sostenible i segura possible. Amb aquesta Estratègia es vol potenciar el comerç de la ciutat i millorar la competitivitat de les empreses tot reduint-ne les externalitats.

Source: Ajuntament de Barcelona

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Studies to evaluate the mobility generated

The generated mobility assessment studies assess the potential increase in trips caused by new planning or a new implementation of activities and the absorption capacity of road services and transport systems, including transport systems of low or zero impact, such as commuting by bike or on foot.

Source: ATM Barcelona

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Tool for the management and planning of Urban Freight Distribution (UFD)

This guide proposes a unified and coherent framework to regulate all aspects of municipal UFD management. In particular, it aims to be a guide of criteria for the planning of the main strategic lines that are currently identified as having the greatest impact on the improvement of UFD management.

It is also a guide for updating municipal ordinances, as it proposes a basic reference and complementary articles to develop each strategic line, so that each municipality can adapt it to its specific characteristics.

Finally, the guide includes some case studies and good practices to stimulate reflection based on concrete examples.

Source: ATM Barcelona

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The strategic lines of the Plan of Ports of Catalonia. Horizon 2030

Law 10/2019, of December 23, on ports and transport in maritime and inland waters, in article 9 establishes that the Port Plan is the instrument through which the main lines of planning and management are determined of the infrastructures and services of the port system which is the responsibility of the Generalitat de Catalunya, within the framework of the guidelines established by the general territorial planning. The Plan de ports de Catalunya.Horitzó 2030 is structured in 11 chapters that address the following aspects: - Reasons for the drafting of the new Ports Plan of Catalonia, its main characteristics, as well as the structure and scope of the Plan. The current Catalan port system and port public service activities are also briefly described. - Vision and mission of the Catalan port system; these constitute the basis of the Plan and must mark the strategic orientation to be followed during the planned horizon. - Strategic analysis, from the perspective of SWOT (Weaknesses, Threats, Strengths and Opportunities) of the current Catalan port system, in accordance with the data collected through monitoring indicators, surveys and interviews; a strategic forecast of future activity and a collection of the main trends detected in the field of innovation are also included.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Law 13/2014, of October 30, on accessibility

The importance of promoting accessibility as an instrument to give effect to the principle of equality of citizens had its first translation in Catalonia in Decree 100/1984, of April 10, on the removal of architectural barriers.

Seven years later, Parliament approved Law 20/1991, of November 25, promoting accessibility and removing architectural barriers, and subsequently the Government approved Decree 135/1995, of March 24, for which the aforementioned Law was deployed and the Accessibility Code was approved.

These rules established the basis for the removal of architectural and communication barriers and for the promotion of technical aids to improve the quality of life and autonomy of people with disabilities or reduced mobility.

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

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Law 9/1995, of July 27, regulating motorized access to the natural environment

Catalan tourism is at a crossroads where it is necessary to opt for a new model that is environmentally responsible, socially fair, territorially balanced and reconnected with the country's identity elements.

The National Commitment for Responsible Tourism is the tool that allows us to implement this new model. On this path, the Catalan tourism sector sets itself the following objectives: the fight against climate change, the preservation of biodiversity, universal access to destinations, the improvement of the quality of employment and the decarbonisation of employment economy

Responsible tourism is that which is part of the structure of the space and adapts to the conditions of the place and the needs of the resident population and which, essentially, takes into account both positive and negative impacts of the activity .

In this context, tourism companies and institutions express their commitment to place the natural and cultural heritage at the center of the tourism strategy. The model to which we aspire is a system that prioritizes culture, landscape, heritage and the elements that shape Catalonia's identity in the articulation of tourism products.

The National Commitment for Responsible Tourism is a process of collective participation and an effort to reconcile very diverse projects and views of the country.

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

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Law 21/2015, of 29 July, on the financing of the public transport system in Catalonia.

The mobility of people is a social right that must be guaranteed and preserved based on sufficient and supportive funding.

​​​​​​​This public transport system financing law responds to the eighth additional provision of Law 9/2003, of June 13, on mobility, which says: "Within one year from from the approval of this law, the Government must present a bill for the financing of public transport, sustainable mobility and the promotion of the use of alternative fuels that regulates the organizational framework».

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

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Law 9/2003, of 13 June, on the mobility of Catalonia.

The search for a sustainable development model that allows citizens a high level of quality of life without compromising the resources of future generations; the global vision of mobility as a system that prioritizes the most sustainable transport systems, such as public transport or walking or cycling, without renouncing the complementarity of private transport; intermodality as a principle to seek maximum efficiency in the use of transport resources; the integral security of people; respect for the environment and its values; the minimization of the consumption of energy and land resources; the incorporation of intelligent, more efficient and safer transport systems, or the desire to take advantage of opportunities to generate economic activity in all corners of the country are some of the basic objectives of this Law.

To achieve them, it articulates a planning system that includes all means of transport, public and private, which must establish mechanisms that guarantee environmentally and economically sustainable mobility and must offer citizens and businesses a quality of service according to country standards.

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

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White Paper on Urban Freight Distribution

The White Paper on Urban Freight Distribution analyses various solutions that have been applied in different cities around the world in order to cope with the increase of goods vehicles. The solutions analysed include different measures such as implementing urban consolidation centres, off-peak delivery pilots, the use of alternative fuels or the implementation of new regulations. The solutions are supported by concrete examples in order to identify the elements of the implementation. 

The main objective of the document is to provide technicians, managers and planners involved in urban freight distribution (UFD) with potential solutions to mitigate the effects of freight vehicles in cities and to help design and plan better solutions for a more efficient UFD. 

Source: ATM Barcelona

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Pla estratègic 2021-2025 del Port de Barcelona

The main development objective of the Port of Barcelona during the period 2021-25 is economic, social and environmental sustainability. This is the IV Strategic Plan since the Port of Barcelona formally started its strategic planning in the mid-nineties with the preparation of the Green Book, published in 1997. The successive strategic plans have been identifying different strategic objectives and projects in short term, always keeping practically unchanged the mission of the Port of Barcelona, its reason for being.

Source: Port de Barcelona

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Pla estratègic d'accessibilitat del bus metropolità

This Strategic Accessibility Plan 2023-2027, wants to have a metropolitan bus network that is accessible and inclusive for everyone, regardless of the characteristics of each person and taking into account the diversity that makes up any society.

Source: AMB

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Pla metropolità de mobilitat urbana

The PMMU 2019-2024 is the reference framework for the sustainable urban mobility plans of the 36 metropolitan municipalities. It is a strategic and action plan on mobility in the metropolitan area, which the AMB must implement and promote in the coming years. The purpose of the PMMU is none other than to improve the quality of life in the metropolis through the promotion of actions in the field of mobility that promote sustainability and health, that guarantee the economic and social progress of the citizenry and the metropolitan area, and promote social cohesion. A coordination effort is needed between all the administrations and institutions that are involved, in order to develop the actions it contemplates.

Source: AMB

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Catalonia school mobility action plan 2020-2021

The School Mobility Action Plan of Catalonia aims to improve the training of schoolchildren and the conditions of the journeys from home to the school, and to promote safe, inclusive, sustainable, active and autonomous journeys. The PAMEC is part of the School Chance European project for the exchange of best practices for autonomous mobility of schoolchildren in order to improve regional policies and develop action plans linked to the Europe 2020 strategy. This plan, called PAMEC, envisages the implementation of six strategic actions that aim to promote the improvement of school mobility in the territory from a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach. The actions will be promoted in a coordinated way between the Department of Territory and Sustainability, the Department of Education and the Catalan Traffic Service, together with other actors and local bodies that have participated in the monitoring of the European School Chance project.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Plan of airports, aerodromes and heliports of Catalonia 2009-2015

Define the pending actions and the appropriate tools that the Administration will provide to fully develop the necessary airport network with the incorporation of the new network of commercial airports in Catalonia.

Priorities of the Plan for airports, aerodromes and heliports in Catalonia

- Promote the network of commercial airports and aerodromes in Catalonia to improve the capacity of the Catalan economy in an increasingly global environment.
- Support the consolidation of Barcelona as an international airport with long-distance and quality connections.
- Promote the airport city as the engine of economic activity and connect the project with the logistics area of ​​the Free Zone and the port of Barcelona.
- Expand the infrastructures of the Girona airport.
- Support the new Reus Master Plan and the investment program to increase the number of passengers and their diversification.
- Extend and consolidate a network of aerodromes.
- Strengthen the network of heliports in the task of services of social interest and community interest and promote them as instruments that facilitate the establishment of companies that use the helicopter for their movements.
Collaborate in the revitalization of the aeronautical industry in Catalonia, promote training, research and innovation in this sector.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Capacity plan

Traffic gauges are the systems for measuring the intensity and counting the volume of vehicles passing through the roads where they are installed. In this way, the IMD can be obtained, the average daily intensity of vehicles passing through a certain point on a road. The gauging corresponding to the road network of the Government of Catalonia is managed by the Road Facilities and Equipment Service of the General Directorate of Mobility Infrastructures. The purpose of obtaining and publishing this data is to raise awareness of the demand for mobility on the roads, that is, the use that is being made of these infrastructures.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Catalonia Commuter Plan 2020-2030

The Catalonia 2020-2030 Commuter Plan constitutes the Proposal for Actions in infrastructure
railway and rolling stock, to respond to the needs of a future demand Increasing to the Network
Cercanías of Catalonia until the horizon year 2030.
The Scope of the Plan includes the one corresponding to the Railway services owned by the Government of Catalonia and provided under the Commercial Denomination of Cercanías of Catalunya (Regional and Cercanías), operated by Renfe, on the Iberian gauge Railway Network of General Interest of the State (RFIG) in Catalonia, managed by Adif. The Plan responds to a mobility strategy that places the user at the center of decision-making and, in Consequently, it focuses on responding to your present and future needs.

Source: Spanish Government

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Catalonia transport infrastructure plan 2006-2026

The Department has drawn up the Transport Infrastructure Plan for Catalonia (PITC) with the aim of defining in an integrated manner the network of road, rail and logistics infrastructures necessary for Catalonia with the time horizon of 2026, and intends to extend it with the rest of the infrastructures, port and airport in the short term, in order to constitute a complete infrastructure plan for Catalonia.

This Plan continues the interrupted tradition of infrastructure planning in Catalonia. The first two infrastructure plans, that of the Commonwealth of Catalonia (1922) and the General Public Works Plan (1935), could not be implemented due to political circumstances beyond the plans. The 1985 Road Plan (revised in 1995) has thus been the first and the only land infrastructure plan that normally runs out of time.

The PITC has the character of a sectoral territorial plan, in accordance with Law 23/1983, of November 21, on territorial policy, and a specific plan for the purposes of what is established in Law 9/2003, of June 13, on the mobility.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Infrastructure, Transport and Housing Plan (PITVI) 2012 - 2024


  • Improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the global transport system by optimizing the use of existing capacities.
  • Promote balanced economic development as a tool at the service of overcoming the crisis.
  • Promote sustainable mobility combining its economic and social effects with respect for the environment.
  • Reinforce territorial cohesion and the accessibility of all State territories through the Transportation System.
  • Promote the functional integration of the transportation system as a whole through an intermodal approach.

Source: Spanish Government

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Investment Plan of Ports of the Generalitat 2014-2017

De acuerdo con el artículo 21 de la ley, Ports de la Generalitat planifica sus actuaciones para la mejora de las infraestructuras y servicios portuarios a través de los Planes de Inversión cuatrienales.

Las funciones básicas que prestan las instalaciones de Ports de la Generalitat son:

- Actividad comercial - industrial

- Actividad pesquera

- Actividad de náutica deportiva

- Actividad turística y de transporte de viajeros

Cataluña dispone de 47 puertos, 2 de interés general y 26 puertos de gestión de Puertos de la Generalitat.

Source: Generalitat of Catalonia

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Plan of measures against sexual harassment on public transport

"The Plan of measures for the prevention of sexual harassment on public transport, approved by the Department of the Vice-Presidency and Digital Policies and Territory, establishes a series of measures and unifies the protocols for action to combat sexual aggression that public transport operators in Catalonia must implement before 2025. The plan of measures includes actions such as the increase in the number of video surveillance cameras, the creation of aid and rescue devices inside the convoys and at stops, the creation of sexual violence attention areas in the main stations, the training of professionals in dealing with sexual violence, the implementation of information and awareness campaigns and the collection of new data through periodic surveys.

The plan has been drawn up with the collaboration of the Department of the Vice-Presidency and Digital Policies and Territory, the Catalan Women's Institute, the Metropolitan Transport Authority, user groups, organisations and operating companies. The previous tasks for the elaboration of the plan of measures include the Survey of Sexual Harassment in Public Transport (EASTP) and a Benchmarking of measures and concrete cases at national and international level for the prevention of sexual harassment in public transport."

Executive Summary. Plan of measures against sexual harassment

Plan of measures against sexual harassment

Benchmarking sexual harassment


Source: Government of Catalonia

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Pla de Mobilitat Corresponsable

Co-responsible mobility plans are an easy way to prioritize the mobility actions to be undertaken by each workplace during the recovery stage linked to the covid-19 crisis. These actions are determined by a self-diagnosis tool and should facilitate the management of corporate mobility or other polarities, while at the same time de-stressing the mobility system.

Each company or organization can confirm this co-responsibility, choosing which actions it undertakes to implement in the short term.

Source: ATM Barcelona

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Ports of Catalonia Plan 2007-2015

The Catalan Port Plan will represent a new step forward to improve the management of the Catalan coastline, promoting efficient, sustainable and rational port use. The Plan is committed to:

Prioritize the expansion of existing ports, instead of promoting the construction of new ones, optimizing the available space when creating new moorings and promoting facilities with less environmental impact. In this sense, it is expected to increase the supply of moorings for nautical sports by about 6,000 places. Boost the economy by attracting new markets and boosting the commercial, tourism and fishing sectors. Seek a territorial rebalancing in the location of the new moorings and integrate the port into the city, with the creation of dry marinas and other connecting spaces.

Improve the operations of the ports, with more vigilance in the accesses to guarantee the protection of the vessels and reinforcing the Catalan Port Front to coordinate the commercial ports. Introduce measures to promote sustainability, energy efficiency and the collection and treatment of wastewater, as well as the control of sediment contamination.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Road safety plan

El Plan de seguridad vial (PSV) 2021-2023 es el primer plan con acciones concretas que despliegan los objetivos y líneas estratégicas del Pacto Nacional para la Movilidad Segura y Sostenible 2021-2030.

Los objetivos primordiales del PSV son la reducción del 15% de las víctimas mortales en 2023 respecto a 2021, con el horizonte de Zero víctimas mortales en 2050, implantar una movilidad más segura y al mismo tiempo sostenible, saludable, conectada y automatizada así como objetivos específicos por la protección de los usuarios más vulnerables de la movilidad. Los objetivos estratégicos generales (OEG) son aquellos que tienen una entidad importante y sobre los que apoya toda la estructura funcional de esta administración de tráfico para los próximos años.

Todas las actuaciones planificadas tendrán que contribuir a estos objetivos, que son los siguientes:

- OEG 1. Administración de la información. Mantener, garantizar y ofrecer a los ciudadanos servicios de información en tiempo real basados ​​en sistemas ITS eficientes, ajustados y accesibles

- OEG 2. Gestión intermodal. Desarrollar sistemas y herramientas de apoyo a una gestión eficiente del tráfico en todas sus modalidades, favoreciendo la conexión de los distintos sistemas y fomentando las formas de transporte seguras y sostenibles

- OEG 3. Despliegue de sistemas C-ITS. Adaptarse al nuevo paradigma de movilidad provocado por la irrupción de los vehículos conectados y autónomos y la movilidad como servicio (Mobility as a Service - MaaS)

Por otra parte, los objetivos estratégicos transversales (OET) son:

- OET 1. Seguridad vial. Servir de herramienta que facilite la consecución de los objetivos del Plan de seguridad vial vigente realizando todas las actuaciones compatibles con este Plan.

- OET 2. Sostenibilidad y medio ambiente. Las acciones propuestas tendrán que servir para mejorar la fluidez del tráfico y evitar congestiones, pero deben contribuir igualmente a mejorar la calidad del aire, el medio ambiente, la contaminación acústica, etc., mediante actuaciones que directa o indirectamente persigan esta finalidad .

- OET 3. Internacionalización. Las actuaciones propuestas se desplegarán, en la medida de lo posible, tomando como referencia las recomendaciones internacionales y las experiencias de otros países de nuestro entorno, pero sobre todo las disposiciones de la Directiva europea 2010/40/UE en materia de compatibilidad, interoperabilidad y continuidad de las soluciones ITS en toda Europa. Además, las actuaciones deben seguir criterios implementados por los sistemas internacionales de calidad (ISO), de prevención de riesgos y seguridad

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Catalonia 2020 Passenger Transport Plan

It is the sectoral territorial plan that defines the guidelines and lines of action for the coming years in relation to the offer of public transport services in Catalonia and the management of the system as a whole.

It has the character of a sectoral territorial plan, in accordance with Law 23/1983, of 21 November, on territorial policy, and of a specific mobility plan for the purposes of what is established in Law 9/2003, of 13 June, of mobility.

It covers the set of intercity collective transport services for travelers in the Catalonia area, that is to say:

- Commuter and regional or medium-distance rail services

- Regular intercity bus services and other modes, such as discretionary services with itinerary reiteration and individual charging, which are developed as an alternative and complement to regular services, especially in areas of low demand. Among the latter, on-demand services and open school services are included

- The scope of action is therefore limited to interurban communications and does not cover urban mobility, without prejudice to the analysis of the coordination between urban and interurban transport, with the aim of setting up a comprehensive transport network public of travelers in Catalonia based on the intermodality of means, beyond its territorial scope or management competences on the different transport services.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Infrastructure Master Plan for the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona

The Infrastructure Master Plan (PDI) includes all the actions in public transport infrastructures for a decade planned for the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, regardless of the Administration and the operator that operates them.

The characteristics of the PDI are:

Comprehensive: includes all actions in infrastructure in public road transport in the area of ​​influence of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, ​​regardless of the Administration responsible and the operator that operates them.
Reviewable: an annual report is carried out on the degree of compliance with the PDI, in addition to a five-year review (the PDI is a plan that lasts ten years).
Participatory: administrations, operators and users receive information and participate, through their representatives.
Main actions:

Network Expansion Program.
Exchangers Program.
Modernization and Improvement Program.
Actions in the state railway network.
Road public transport infrastructure
PDI 2021-2030 Documents 

Source: ATM Barcelona

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Girona mobility master plan

The Mobility Plan (pdM) for the regions of Girona aims to plan mobility within its territorial scope, taking into account all modes of transportation for both people and goods and promoting non-motorized modes of travel, in accordance with Articles 2 and 3 of Law 9/2003, dated June 13th, on Mobility.

Source: ATM Girona

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Ebro Land Mobility Master Plan 2021-2027

The Ebro Lands Mobility Table, made up of the Department of Territory and Sustainability and local administrations, has begun work to draft the mobility master plan for the Ebro Lands that must be validated and agreed upon within the framework of said Mobility Table.

In order to have as faithful an image as possible of the mobility conditions in the Ebro Lands, the Department of Territory and Sustainability has carried out a mobility survey among the citizens of the Ebro Lands in order to make an accurate diagnosis of mobility habits in this territory and to be able to define actions within the framework of the Mobility Master Plan.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Tarragona mobility master plan

This document aims to plan mobility strategies within the geographical scope of the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM), which includes the regions of Alt Camp, Baix Camp, Baix Penedès, Conca de Barberà, Priorat, and Tarragonès, with a population of approximately 640,000 inhabitants. The strategic objectives are to promote sustainable, environmentally friendly, safe, healthy, inclusive, intelligent, and digital mobility. The document will prioritize walking, cycling, and public transportation. One of the challenges of the plan is also to provide solutions for the high volume of freight transportation.

Source: ATM Camp de Tarragona

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Mobility Master Plan of the Integrated System of Metropolitan Mobility of Barcelona

The Mobility Master Plan (pdM) develops the National Mobility Guidelines territorially. Its objective is to plan mobility within the area of ​​the Integrated Metropolitan Mobility System of Barcelona (SIMMB), taking into account all modes of transport, passage and goods It plans the mobility of an area of ​​12 counties that contain 75% of the population of Catalonia (5.5 million inhabitants).

Source: ATM Barcelona

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Urban Master Plan for Modal Exchange Parking

The efficient management of public transport - private vehicle modal interchange parking can be an excellent opportunity to reduce congestion and effectively improve the growing mobility in and out of people in the urban environment of Barcelona and its adjacent municipalities, and thus reduce congestion and harmful environmental effects. If current data confirm that the maximum number of intercity trips by private vehicle has continued to increase in recent years and the average distance traveled for each trip are increasing, offer the possibility of parking the private vehicle in an efficient network of car parks Modal exchange public transport

Consequently, mobility in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona and in Catalonia as a whole tends to be increasingly complex, with a longer travel distance and an increase in intermodality. This circumstance, together with the progressive congestion of the road network, translates into a greater use of the private vehicle-rail mode modal chains, and therefore, of the public transport-private vehicle modal interchange car parks.

In this sense, the general objective of the Urban Master Plan is to create the appropriate urban and territorial framework that allows exploiting the potential of the public transport interchanges - private vehicle defined in the Master Plan for public transport infrastructures of the metropolitan region of Barcelona 2011 -2020 (PDI) located in suburban railway stations, RENFE-ADIF and Ferrocarriles de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC) and in some bus stops, to respond to the growing demand for this type of car park.

Source: ATM Barcelona

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Vallès specific mobility plan

Source: Government of Catalonia

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General territorial plan of Catalonia

According to the approval Law 1/1995, "the general territorial Plan must be the instrument that defines the objectives of territorial balance of general interest for Catalonia and, at the same time, it must be the guiding framework for the actions undertaken by the powers to create the appropriate conditions to attract the appropriate activity to the ideal territorial spaces and to ensure that the citizens of Catalonia have similar levels of quality of life regardless of the territorial area where they live. The Plan must also be the instrument that defines the objectives to achieve the sustainable development of Catalonia, the territorial balance and the preservation of the environment ".

The General Territorial Plan of Catalonia articulates the proposals in three lines of action:

the definition of strategies
the definition of the territorial model
guidelines for formulating plans.

In the line of strategies, the section on quality of life is the most relevant as it details the actions to be taken on issues such as equipment or the environment in order to promote the quality of life in the territory. In the definition of the territorial model, the objective image of the population in 2026 and the proposal systems are presented as tools to achieve objectives of impulse, rebalancing or enhanced development, while in the section of guidelines for the formulation of plans the determinations are related that the Territorial Plan assigns to the other planning figures and that they will be the ones that should specify the PTGC's proposals since they do not have a direct physical application on the territory.

The PTGC must establish the necessary guidelines for the coherence of the partial territorial plans and the sectoral territorial plans that they must develop.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Barcelona metropolitan territorial plan

Final approval

On April 20, 2010, the Government of Catalonia has definitively approved the Barcelona Metropolitan Territorial Plan (DOGC no. 5627 - 05/12/2010).

EDICT of March 26, 2013, by which a sentence of the Administrative Litigation Chamber is made public. of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia issued in the contentious-administrative appeal no. 2010/279.

EDICT of March 24, 2015, by which a judgment of the Administrative Litigation Chamber is made public. of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia issued in the contentious-administrative appeal no. 2010/203.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Partial territorial plan of the Central Comarcas

Final approval

On September 16, 2008, the Government of Catalonia has definitively approved the Partial Territorial Plan for the Central Comarcas. The Government agreement and the regulations of the Plan have been published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat of Catalonia no. 5241, of October 22, 2008, for the purpose of immediate execution.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Partial territorial plan of the Comarcas de Girona

Approval date

On September 14, 2010, the Government of Catalonia has definitively approved the Partial Territorial Plan for the Comarcas de Girona (DOGC No. 5735 of October 15, 2010).


Girona regions: Alt Empordà, Baix Empordà, Gironès, La Selva, Pla de l'Estany, La Garrotxa and Ripollès.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Partial territorial plan of the Ebro Lands


The new Plan:

  • Organize the urban development of the area and protect the natural values, ecological connectivity and significant spaces of scenic interest, such as the Ebro delta or the flood plains of the river.
  • It defines the growth strategies of urban centers and enhances the land for economic activity with the promotion of LOGIS Ebro, the southern Catalonia industrial estate and two new supra-municipal estates, Fatarella and Molló, while delimiting three reserves of land of potential strategic interest, in Aldea-Camarles, Alcanar and Móra la Nova.
  • It proposes improvements in all infrastructure networks: road and rail networks, port, airport and logistics systems and, given the uniqueness of the Ebro Lands, in those related to river navigation.
  • It includes the strengthening of the main road axes with the functional replacement of the N-340 by the A-7 highway as a high-capacity expressway, the conversion to the C-12 highway, the construction of variants and the conditioning of the network of secondary roads.
  • It incorporates the general scope rail infrastructure forecasts and proposes a rail link from La Aldea to the port of Alcanar, as well as a tram-train.
  • It is committed to the port of Alcanar as a commercial port with great logistical potential, endowed with quality accesses, for which it foresees the doubling of the current N-340 to Amposta and the aforementioned railway link.
  • It integrates the Landscape Guidelines for the protection and management of this, linked to the Landscape Catalog of the Ebro Lands, which has also been approved.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Partial territorial plan of Ponent (Tierras de Lleida)

Final approval

On July 24, 2007, the Government of Catalonia has definitively approved the Partial Territorial Plan for Ponent (Tierras de Lleida). The Government agreement and the regulations of the Plan have been published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat of Catalonia no. 4982, of October 5, 2007 for the purpose of immediate execution.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Partial territorial plan of the Upper Pyrenees and Aran

Final approval

On July 25, 2006, the Government of Catalonia has definitively approved the Partial Territorial Plan for the Upper Pyrenees and Aran. The Government agreement and the regulations of the Plan have been published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat of Catalonia no. 4714, of September 7, 2006, for the purposes of immediate execution.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Partial territorial plan of Camp de Tarragona

Final approval

On January 12, 2010, the Government of Catalonia has definitively approved the Camp de Tarragona Partial Territorial Plan. The Government agreement and the regulations of the Plan have been published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat of Catalonia no. 5559, of February 3, 2010, for the purposes of immediate execution.


It includes the regions of Alt Camp, Baix Camp, Baix Penedès, Conca de Barberà, Priorat and Tarragonès.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Accessibility plans

Accessibility plans are the instrument that identifies and plans the actions to be carried out so that, within the scope of the plan, the accessibility conditions established in the 2014 Accessibility Law and the corresponding regulatory framework are met.

The Law establishes that public administrations must develop accessibility plans within their respective competences, identifying and planning the necessary actions so that the territory, buildings, means of transport, products, services, and communication achieve, through reasonable adjustments, the accessibility conditions established by this law and the corresponding regulatory framework. In this regard, each municipality must have a municipal accessibility plan that includes all areas and territories within its competence.

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

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Accessibility Plans for Operators Managing Means of Transport

Decree 209/2023, which approves the Accessibility Code of Catalonia, defines in Article 93 that operators managing means of transport must carry out an Accessibility Plan. These Plans aim to determine the necessary actions to adapt existing buildings, vehicles, and services to the accessibility conditions of the new Code. All operators managing means of transport of a supramunicipal scope or of private ownership must make these plans. In the case of transport operators that affect the scope of a single municipality, they must do so when it is not included in the Municipal Accessibility Plan. The accessibility plans of the operators must be drafted, reviewed, or modified within 3 years from the entry into force of the Code and must comply with the guidelines established by the competent department of the Generalitat in matters of transport.

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya

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Company Displacement Plans

The Company Travel Plan (PDE) is a set of actions that aim to optimize the mobility of workers and visitors, favoring the use of alternative modes of transport to the private vehicle, rationalizing the use of the car and managing the mobility of goods.

The PDE concerns journeys related to professional activity, that is, both the journeys between the home and the workplace and the professional journeys of workers, collaborators and clients.

The main advantages related to the realization and implementation of a POE are:

To comply with current regulations
To be more economically efficient.
To manage the mobility of workers in the event of environmental episodes of atmospheric pollution.
To guarantee better conditions for employees and customers to access the company.
To reduce accidents.
To reduce the emission of polluting gases
To obtain the distinctive of efficient fleets of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
To help build a more responsible society
Once prepared, the POEs will have to be reviewed every 6 years, and a follow-up report on the implementation of the plan must be prepared at least every 3 years.

Source: ATM Barcelona

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Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

Municipalities required to carry out a SUMP

According to the mobility law:
According to the Mobility Law 9/2003, all municipalities that comply with at least that:

Have more than 50,000 inhabitants.
Be capitals of the region.

According to the Mobility Master Plan of the Integrated Metropolitan Mobility System of Barcelona:
According to the PDM of the Integrated Metropolitan Mobility System of Barcelona, ​​all municipalities that:

They have more than 20,000 inhabitants and belong to the Integrated Metropolitan Mobility System of Barcelona.

According to the Air Quality Improvement Action Plan:
According to the Air Quality Improvement Action Plan, all municipalities that:

Those determined by the Mobility Law itself and the Mobility Master Plan correspond to its territorial scope.
The municipalities included in the Zone of special protection of the atmospheric environment are not obliged directly to carry out a SUMP, but to carry out a series of mobility actions that make it highly recommended to carry out a SUMP.

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Urban Master Plans


PDU of the Directional Center of Cerdanyola del Vallès
PDU of the economic activity of the Baix Llobregat Nord
PDU Vías Azules Barcelona
Infrastructure PDU of the Martorell-Abrera kneecap
PDU Gran Vía - Llobregat
PDU of the Barcelona Circuit - Catalonia
PDU of the Delta del Llobregat
PDU for the development of road, rail and logistics infrastructures in the Alt and Baix Penedès regions
PDU for the concretion and delimitation of the land reserve for the establishment of the railway orbital line
PDU of ACTUR Santa Maria de Gallegos

Central counties:

PDU of mining activity in Bages
PDUA of the Barcelona / Bages aerodrome
PDU of the Conca de Òdena
PDU of the Llobregat colonies
Bages Plan PDU


PDU for the review of unsustainable soils on the Girona coast
PDU of the urban system of Figueres
PDU of the Ter and Freser colonies
Girona urban system PDU
PDU of Pla de l'Estany
PDU of the Sierra de Rodes

Lleida and Alt Pirineu and Aran:

Rialb Reservoir PDU
PDU of unsustainable soils in the Alt Pirineu
PDUA of the Cerdanya aerodrome
PDUA of Andorra - Seo de Urgel airport
PDU of Valle de Aran
PDU of La Cerdanya
PDU of Pallars Sobirà

Tarragona and the Ebro Lands:

PDU for the reorganization of the area of ​​the Vila-seca and Salou CRT
PDU of the traditional agricultural constructions of the Tierras del Ebro
PDU of delimitation for the implementation of an intermodal freight terminal in Camp de Tarragona
PDU of the industrial and tourist activities of Camp de Tarragona
Ebro Delta PDU


PDUs of strategic residential areas
Coastal System PDU (PDUSC)
PDU of the areas of the coastal system integrated by sectors of delimited developable land without partial plan (PDUSC-2)
PDU for the concretion and delimitation of the land reserve for the establishment of the Transversal railway axis

Source: Government of Catalonia

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Synthesis of partial territorial plans

The synthesis of the partial territorial plans shown here facilitates the perception of the spatial planning of Catalonia that results from the set of approved plans. The 10 plans that make up this synthesis have been obtained by recasting the determinations of the partial territorial plans corresponding to each of the variables that, together, define the organization of the territorial space.
The synthesis expresses the general coherence of the partial territorial plans approved, and provides a vision of the planning of the territory of Catalonia that emerges from the set of these plans.
The synthesis plans have no normative value. This is exclusive to the documents that make up each partial territorial plan, which must be consulted in case of doubt.

Source: Government of Catalonia

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