T-mobilitat integrates new interurban lines in El Bages and El Vallès Oriental

T-mobilitat integrates new interurban lines in El Bages and El Vallès Oriental

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The interurban lines run by Alsa in El Bages and Hispano Hilarienca in El Vallès Oriental join the new system.

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Barcelona, 23rd February.- T-mobilitat will incorporate a dozen bus lines this week. These are the Alsa and Hispano Hilarienca lines that run through Barcelona’s ATM as far as Ring 6.

Alsa now enables passengers to travel with T-mobilitat on a dozen routes that cross and connect the county of El Bages on the boundary of the province of Barcelona and, therefore, the area under the management of the Barcelona ATM. In this regard, T-mobilitat and its integrated tickets can only be validated within the boundaries of the 6 Rings of Barcelona, as journeys that reach Ring 7 will be integrated into T-mobilitat at a later date.

A similar situation has occurred with the two lines operated by Hispano Hilarienca (TEISA) that are currently being integrated; these are routes that pass through El Vallès Oriental but depart from Barcelona and enter the territory of the Girona ATM, where it won’t be possible to validate tickets or use T-mobilitat to travel.

This exceptional circumstance is one of the reasons why the integration of these lines has been delayed, as they run through different administrative territories (Barcelona, Girona and Lleida). These provinces use different technologies and they have required ad hoc adaptations to the T-mobilitat system.

The new system currently allows travel on all the Barcelona ATM’s railway network and the entire Barcelona metropolitan area bus network and with practically all the interurban and urban bus services in Rings 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. You can go to the T-mobilitat website to see how the system has expanded.

Sales channels for passes

Barcelona ATM passes for all zones are available through the official T-mobilitat sales channels:

- Ticket machines provided by TMB, FGC, Rodalies and TRAM operators.
- T-mobilitat, TMB and FGC websites for card purchases.
- T-mobilitat, TMB App and FGC T-mobilitat apps.
- T-mobility service points in place around the public transport network.

Service channels

T-mobilitat has placed different channels at the public's disposal to clear up any doubts and problems.

- T-mobilitat Twitter: @T_mobilitat
- Telegram service channel: Telegram Atenció
- Freephone: 900 928 900.
- T-mobilitat centre: Av. de la Granvia de L’Hospitalet, 16-20. Ask for an appointment.

You are also reminded that, from the age of 6 upwards, all people travelling on public transport must wear a face mask.

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