MWC23 attendees took 155,000 trips with the new cardboard T-mobilitat

MWC23 attendees took 155,000 trips with the new cardboard T-mobilitat

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More than 23,000 MWC23 conference attendees travelled during the days of the event with a new T-mobilitat support, made of cardboard and not personalised but contactless, specific to the congress

T-mobilitat específica per congressistes del MWC 2023 ATM
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  • More than 150,000 trips were made with this new model throughout the week of the telephone fair
  • T-mobilitat, which currently allows you to travel with a personalised card and mobile phone, will launch this non-personalised support designed for non-recurring travellers, rechargeable and which can be purchased from the network's vending machines and points of sale. In 2023, they authorised sale without prior registration

Barcelona, 9 March.- The Mobile World Congress 2023 brought ten thousands of people to Barcelona last week, and T-mobilitat and the public transport network were a leading part of their mobility. More than 23,000 delegates moved during the days of the event with a new T-mobilitat card format, cardboard and unpersonalised, but contactless.

Every year, the organization of MWC23 provides a free unlimited transport card for the days of the fair to people who have a ticket. This year, based on the agreement between the Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation and the Barcelona ATM, this card was manufactured on the basis of the new T-mobilitat system, with a design and specific characteristics of an anonymous cardboard format, experiencing his first contact with the real passengers last week. And the result has been very positive, with more than 150,000 trips carried out between 27 February and 2 March, three times as many validations as last year.




The four-day event has allowed for a very significant amount of real validations with the new cardboard card over the transport network, which has confirmed the smooth operation of this new format in a real use environment, which had passed the relevant tests in recent months. In addition, thanks to the features of the new system, very useful and precise data can be obtained, for example from the time-slots with the most validations, the stations from which people attending the fair come from or the most used means of transport.


Non-personalised formatting will be system-wide

T-mobilitat currently allows you to travel with a personalised rechargeable card and with your mobile phone (for Android devices, at the moment). During this 2023, a third option will be added: a non-personalised card, also rechargeable and contactless, made of cardboard, but with the same chip as the personalised card, which can be purchased without prior registration and is designed for sporadic or less recurrent commuting. It will only allow loading non-personal titles, such as T-random, T-family or T-group.

The system will finish setting up the points of sale in the network so that they can correctly issue these new cards and make them available to citizens and tourism during 2023.

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