T-mobilitat offers the public T-usual and T-jove with the usual conditions and prices in all 36 municipalities of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area

T-mobilitat offers the public T-usual and T-jove with the usual conditions and prices in all 36 municipalities of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area

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On 22nd December the period of short-term passes at reduced prices comes to an end; conditions for T-usual and T-jove will become the same as for magnetic passes: 30 days for 40 euros and 90 days for 80 euros.

T-mobilitat validation
T-mobilitat validation ATM
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  • On 22nd December the period of short-term passes at reduced prices comes to an end; conditions for T-usual and T-jove will become the same as for magnetic passes: 30 days for 40 euros and 90 days for 80 euros.
  • These passes are valid for journeys on public transport within the 36 municipalities that make up the Barcelona metropolitan area.

From 23rd December T-mobilitat, the new system for travelling on the public transport network in the Barcelona area enters a new phase of implementation in which the prices and conditions of the top-up card and passes that can be topped up with it will be as usual. With this the previous phase comes to an end. This October, November and December, some 60,000 people have registered and now travel regularly with T-mobilitat, most of them with a card but some also with the mobile phone.

The passes that can be used in this phase of implementation of the system are the single-zone T-jove and the T-usual, valid for 30 days for a price of 40 euros in the case of the monthly pass, and 90 days for 80 euros in the case of the pass for people aged under 25. The price to buy the T-mobility card is now €4.50, the regular price approved by the board of the Barcelona Metropolitan Transport Authority (Autoritat del Transport Metropolità - ATM). Remember you can also travel using your Android mobile with NFC; in this case, the cost of the function allowing it is €1.

Initially, T-mobilitat serves to travel on public transport within the 26 municipalities in the metropolitan fare area, which are those that form part of the metropolis of Barcelona and, in administrative terms, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona - AMB). The other passes in the integrated fare system, such as T-casual, and the other zones in the Barcelona area, will be added gradually in successive stages of the roll-out of the project.

Sales channels
T-mobilitat can currently be purchased in person and online.

• By Internet:
You can ask for T-mobilitat on the T-mobilitat, TMB and, from 7th January, FGC websites. You can also register via the TMB App on your mobile.

• In person:
You can buy the card at the different service points in the public transport network, including the new T-mobility centre. You can find these points and what services they offer on this map. There are some service points that do not sell the card, but can deal with incidents and other processes. Most of them require an appointment.

Travelling with your mobile
Apart from the card, remember that you also have the option of travelling with your mobile, in the case of Android devices with NFC. Those choosing this option have to register on the system, using any of the platforms available, and choose one of the three apps available, in which they can generate an electronic wallet, costing 1 euro: T-mobilitat app, TMB App and, from 7th January, FGC app.

Using this wallet you can buy the transport pass of your choice and validate it at the entrances to public transport.

Topping up the card
Just like over the last trial weeks, people with T-mobilitat can top it up at the self-service machines in the network and also through the official apps.
In fact, one of the main functions of the app, apart from being able to travel, is topping up the card. With mobiles with NFC, both Android and iOS, you can buy the card and top it up immediately by holding out the phone.

From 23rd December onwards, remember that the top-up price will no longer be the reduced one offered up to now (€3.30 and €2.20) but the regular price of the T-usual and T-jove passes.

Service and enquiry channels
Since the beginning of October, T-mobilitat has placed different channels at the public's disposal to clear up any doubts and problems.

  • T-mobilitat Twitter: @T-mobilitat
  • Telegram service channel: T-mobilitat Atenció
  • Telegram dissemination channel: T-mobilitat
  • Freephone 900 928 900.
  • T-mobilitat centre: Av. de la Granvia de L’Hospitalet, 16-20. Ask for an appointment.

Users can also visit the frequently-asked questions section of the T-mobilitat.cat website and the T-mobility Youtube channel, where they can find different videos explaining how to get T-mobility or how to travel with you mobile, among other instructions.

Apart from the T-mobilitat channels, operators attend to the public through the usual channels.

Nearly 60,000 T-mobility users

Currently over 55,000 people use T-mobility on the Barcelona area public transport network. Over two million journeys have been accumulated, with a daily average of nearly 100,000 journeys on working days.

Of all these users, more than 22,000 bought their card at a service point. The rest, nearly 35,000, were applied for via online channels and send by registered post. Moreover, some 5,000 people travel using their mobile phone with an electronic wallet, an option initially open to phones with Android and NFC.

The number of top-ups carried out since October, exceeds 175,000: most of these - over 150,000 - at self-service machines on the public transport network, and the rest, some 30,000, were through apps, which we remind you offer the option of topping up the physical card thanks to the NFC system.

The most widely-used pass over these weeks has been the 5-day T-usual, which could be bought for €3.30 and was chosen by over 80% of users. The five-day T-jove, on the other hand, was only available to people under 25 years old, accounting for 16% of use.

Public transport users are recommended to abide by the health protection measures in place, especially the use of a face mask throughout the time they are on public transport premises and vehicles, not eating or drinking on vehicles, spreading throughout the space available and following the instructions given by operators' staff.

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